There we are back out of the shadows and into the light...oh dear It seems to glare somewhat.
So it's the evening before all is nice and pleasant! Where am I? I'm on line getting more and more pissed...better drink a pint of water soon cause I don't want to over load the kidneys Hope the acid in my tum sorts itself out other wise I will have to stop drinking beer...Blah!!
I still don't get this bull shite and proberly never will. Just maybe that is why I walk the lone path of totally being fucked in the head.
I have done things which many a religious person would of cried for salvation...any salvation. Yet it still escapes me, I don't see the whole picture...
Now that's better out than in
It looks like you are not a real person. It looks like you're using some scheme to reload Dark Network pages. This activity has been logged and your account is now under review.
So here I am rating like mad to up my stats and then I get this message and I'm logged out.
What the hell does it mean...I know what it means but why was it sent????
I am a real person or I was the last time I looked.
Can people who are not real read? .. Emmy ponders that thought...
*smiles* Yes only real people can read....but do real people visit this site????
I had done around 300 rates in the day..maybe there is a limit as to what we are allowed to do?
Now pay attention as this is as technical as I get...ready ?
Okay, because some people have been using things called refreshers, which is very naughty Cancer has made a few changes.
Basically if you look at pages too quickly the system will think you are using a refresher and send you that message.
Nothing to worry about, just ignore and keep rating....unless you are one of those naughty people ?.....If you are, the system is gonna get ya...muhuhuhuhu.
It's to prevent people using page refreshers. Cancer sent a message about it.
No I'm not one of those people who use page refreshers. I don't even know what one is let alone looks like.
Time spent on the Rave 29.95 days
Status: Firebrand
Am I odd because I take my twins ghost hunting? My wife seems to think so. Ok so they are only six but how can I tell a fib and say there are no such things as ghosts when it can't be proved that there are as well as it can't be proved that there isn't!
They don't fear the dark, but only because I have told them the only thing they need to fear is human kind. Only we hurt and destroy for pleasure or for power.
Yes they do know about Vampires but not the film
The silly people lol....Myth has a lot of truth. Look into it. And...believe what you wish.
I teach them ancient history and the old ways, I want to keep the magic in there lives, which wasn't the case for me with my parents trying to condition me with what they had been taught when they were children. Bloody religion...the all forgiving god.....He didn't forgive though did he. And why a man? Why not an animal or woman? What is god?
So then I ask myself the question 'Am I doing to my children what my parents did to me'
I allow there school to teach them about a god who had a son called Jesus who he allowed to die....for what! In his name...
So no I'm allowing them to find their own path because I didn't find mine until I had flown the nest of conditioning!
But in a strange way I'm installing into them what I believe a well!
if you are allowing them to also learn about other religions and beliefs as well as you teaching them about what you believe then you aren't installing into them what you believe. not in the way that your parents did to you any way. by allowing them to choose their own path be being taught about other beliefs you are truly letting them choose their own paths. they may only be 6 but at least when they get older they will have the state of mind to choose what they truly believe in and not be pulled to any certain beliefs just because that was the only thing that they were taught.
Yes I always say to them they can believe what they wish as long as they are prepared to take a knock from time to time.
Also most people don't want to here what they may believe to be real because it doesn't fit into what is supposed to be the norm.
I always say that if they are able to they need to keep an open mind. Oh and they know what that means.
You know what I find strange is reading forum posts about people who abuse the right to hold conversation in a post and who try and ...I think the word argument was used formulate their discussion.
Now I'm British I do not argue I discuss issues and from what I have seen some of the people who have posted in this are the ones who feel that they are right and everyone else is wrong.
They are unaware of their process and It appears to me that it is they who are trying to impose their power on every one else....
They are the ones who are trying to change/force other peoples beliefs...They have read things from books or from the internet and they may be good at formulating discussions but are unaware that they are not keeping an open mind.
I can back up a lot of what I have found but this may not be the case with others for what ever reason. But the difference is I try and keep an open mind at all times. I will listen to what others say and I will not take it as a personal knock because It is their belief and not mine.
For the sake of the sane this is a site where we can be free to talk about what things we believe to be the truth and they just need to see that what we may think is the truth doesn't have to be the truth of anyone else.
So take it easy on the people who are unable to formulate...Listen to what they have to say and keep it real. Don't try and speak with the fancy tongue(sorry write) because it just appears to shows arrogance
Does this make any sense? I don't know If I'm able to put into words what I mean as I'm sure other people here on the rave are also unsure.
We are kindred and with the small community that is here we don't need to bully each other do we!
I was just looking at a journal and another...ect and isn't it annoying when the wrong button is clicked and you find yourself going back to carry on reading about some one who has been bitch slapped lol
What really interests me about the people on here...'yes you people' is that you all walk the walk but most of you can't talk the talk!!
I find it most interesting that this does go all the way up and all the way down...Hey I'm not moaning about this, it's bloody funny!
So who is wrong and who is right! I don't care because she is wrong or he is wrong...
If you don't care then as a therapist I have to say 'don't bloody write about it'!
Actually do please write about it because you show yourself to be the same as the person you are slagging off..
Umm just like me.
Steps once again out of the shadow and into....
Dam it yet again some one didn't clean up after their dog!!
You know this issue really does anger me beyond the norm....If you have a dog then clean up it's mess. If not for your sake then for the sake of the poor soul who ends up with shite everywhere!
You have been warned dog people!
So here I am minding my own... This poor excuse of an adult flys over and starts to try and become the alpha. Still trying to get under my skin.
You did this and you did that and you said this and you said that.....Leave me alone was all that was needed...but I had to bloody bite. So just like the bloody silly child who was trying to provoke me I had little choice but to use the old mind game system on him and provoke him.
My colleague who was also witness to this slaughter actually laughed out loud at the way I was shaking with controlled rage (Of course there was no control because I bloody lost it big time lol) My last working day will be the 24th of December.
Still I have an issue with being made redundant.
I didn't want to go and they want me out!
Now I could appeal but it's a catch 22 situation. If I win they can push me out on breach of contract and I get no redundancy money. If I go I lose my job and get redundancy money.
The two jobs on offer were out of my league because of my injury...discrimination at the work place I told him.
Either way I'm out of work with a fucked back
You know what really makes me smile, is when someone who I don't know is trying to be a pain in my arse.
I found out something today about this child who is actually an adult....they really just don't understand anything.
You see I do get it!
To be able to take on a multi million pound company and win and then have a loon try and get under my
No harm is being sent in solid or spell, that's just not my style anymore and hasn't been for many a year.
On a lighter note I think that I should start taking medication lol....
It's funny how things that cannot be proved cannot be real...
I will consult the Talking board and see what my inner self has to say on the matter...
*note to self to lay off the wine*
Well yet again I've been away from the Rave and logged in today only to find that I'm suspended and have been since the 17th of
I've been told that it's to do with my user menu merging with my profile!
How is this so when I'm using VR CODES?
Help me then DAM it...tell me how to rectify this or where the hell this is happening as I'm blinded with stupidity and just cannot see further than my keyboard.
WORST case is that I will have to do it all again...umm..this may cause me to change it it may be positive after all
Thanks radu