Oppress and abuse is the in thing! Oh what a surprise, one rule for us and one rule for them!
It makes me sick to think that more and more of this is going on...These blokes should be sacked not investigated.
This is what happens in the UK for not wearing your seatbelt. I’m sorry but if this had happened to me I would now be locked up for assaulting the Police. It’s absolutely disgraceful. The guy was 70 years old, fucking bully boys!
Death caused by British police and the Rozer even had his face covered!
Then this dickhead actually got let off because he said he was in fear for his life from this woman. The officer I think was an ex Royal marine commando...In court he stated that he was in fear of his safety.
If this had been my wife I would have ripped his face off, what a coward!
More and more situations like this are happening in the UK as I have noticed it is around the world...
DAM IT...I have issues with this stupid comp of mine...Off to PC world to sort it!
It's only a month or so old!
Well doesn't that just piss you off..
I know what you mean - monitor-wise anyway.
Good luck!
Warranties are great.... on hold with Dell, while they "assist" you with troubleshooting.
It's all cool, was just faulty drive.
Anyway I was just about to go to bed when I saw them.
So what is it with the ... no really I want to know. Why do people start their journals with those little dots? Is it because they don’t want people to read the first couple of lines or is it because they just like those little cute dots which lots of people appear to have adopted now!
I need to go to bed I think and dream of little dots!
they're all dotty!
Not sure about peeps starting them like that,but I do know that when you post a video thats what it does.
Sweet dreams dotboi!
The system automatically puts them when there is a video or picture embedded in the post....not something the poster does hun.
Dam the system...it's allowing the dots to take over!!
Oh I'm glad that has been answered, I often wondered about that too!!
One they the world will be dominated by the dots!
Fear the dot army!!!
00:49 Aug 30 2010
Things aren't much better over here I'm afraid, the Government is fucked up.
00:59 Aug 30 2010
It really makes me to sick in the pit of my stomach when I look at the abuse of power.
10:31 Aug 30 2010
It's very disturbing, but I have to tell you this has been going on for years.
16:19 Aug 30 2010
I know I guess am just venting lol