I really didn't know. I have been away for some time, though floating around for a while here and there. 'Nods' It does cut both ways though, don't you think.
Conception of evil, multi-tasking was never one of my good points.
Neither is opening the bottle of washing up liquid with my right, which has now spilled onto my hand and the floor.
Revenge WILL be mine!!
Step away from the dishes!
Grab a beer.. I'm sure you are much better at that :p
Yep just back from the shop...gotta lots of beer : )
or ... maybe the floor was in need of come cleaning as well *shrugs*
Done that, had no choice lol
Whispers and whispering, always. It's like a dull white noise constantly humming through my skull. Times past, times present.
So once again I crawl.
I shouldn't laugh, I shouldn't mock, I shouldn't do lot's of things...but I do. Has this been written about before on this site...
Vador never said "Luke, I am your father"
It was never" Mirror mirror on the wall"
It was never "This car is automatic, it's hydromatic, it's systematic, it's grease lightning.
I don't ever remember the F changing in Ford.I only know it's not thesame
I have always pondered on my state of mind. Asked myself questions about reality, yours and mine. Looking at Cern web sites and others, to watch and wait for change. Lol So imagine my reaction when I stumble across The mandela theory. It blew me away. Are they false memories, and yet so many people have them.