I have it recorded...I haven't seen it yet and last night DR Who was back!
Oh come to me baby, I'll watch you with a bottle of red and with the lights out, while Mrsban is in bed!
I may even soak my feet in a large bowl of hot water....oh the high life!
OMG...the beasts have chocolate....I wonder if I could pinch some ^^
Hmm so this is about as nice as a kick in the teeth from Godzilla. It did cause me to raise an eyebrow and spit venom from my lips whilst rolling around on the floor clutching my sides!
There are many purblind good-for-nothings who want to malign and traduce me. One—Theban—is so ghastly, he deserves special mention. Let me make clear what is foremost on my mind and what the focus of this letter will be: the biggest supporters of Theban's saturnine analects are unbridled, jaded reprobates and the most recalcitrant parvenus I've ever seen. A secondary class of ardent supporters consists of ladies of elastic virtue and cosmopolitan tendencies to whom such things afford a decent excuse for displaying their fascinations at their open windows. The fabric of his practices is infused with loud oligarchism. Okay, that's a bit of an overstatement, but for all of you reading this who are not insincere hedonists, you can understand where the motivation for that statement comes from. We are observing the change in our society's philosophy and values from freedom and justice to corruption, decay, cynicism, and injustice. All of these "values" are artistically incorporated in one person: Theban.
I find it necessary, if I am to meet my reader on something like a common ground of understanding, to point out that Theban wants you to believe that he was chosen by God as the trustee of His wishes and desires. You should be wary of such claims. Be aware! Be sceptical! Think! Do not be diverted, deceived, or mesmerized by Theban's obnoxious, contemptible jokes. The objection may still be raised that some people deserve to feel safe while others do not. At first glance this sounds almost believable yet the following must be borne in mind: He is totally mistaken if he believes that he is a spokesman for God.
Many people lie. However, Theban lies with such ease it's troubling. He keeps trying to deceive us into thinking that everything will be hunky-dory if we let him perpetuate the nonsense known technically as the analytic/synthetic dichotomy. The purpose of this deception may be to subject human beings to indignities. Or maybe the purpose is to lock people up for reading the "wrong" kinds of books or listening to the "wrong" classes of music. Oh what a tangled web Theban weaves when first he practices to deceive. He maintains that he's a saintly figure—philanthropic, noble, and wise. While that happens to be pure fantasy from the world of make-believe, one important fact to consider is that if I have a bias, it is only against shabby, unforgiving toughies who devastate vast acres of precious farmland. I have one final message for you before ending this letter: Theban obscures the true meaning of his reportages with propaganda and fancy talk.
Thanks Sulks for making my day....Graa*shakes fist* lol
I'm an unbridled, jaded reprobate dontcha know LOL
It's not fair I wanted something nice lol
Haha Who makes these things?? xD
That person has some serious issues.. :P xD
Tag ... you're it!!!! LOL
no problemo Theban haha
Here is the webaddress
Lol, that girls a hoot!
So - is this a real complaint, or just a funny joke?
In any case, it is still funny, as it is so verbose as to be ridiculous!
Oh my dear you need to beware the pissed off man with horns... you really don't have a clue about working relationships. In fact I will now be opening a grievance procedure against you because of your attempt at bulling and intimidation!
You suck hairy eggs!
This isn't just for me, this is for all the members of staff who you have attempted to bully and intimidate!
You expect me to drive to Hereford for a 6 hour course in the day and then work my 12 hour night shift and if I refuse to work my night shift you will dock me 5 hours pay because I will be short on hours on my normal shift pattern!
Not only that, you are refusing to pay me any petrol money and travel (hours taken) money, as it will take me an hour and a half at the longest to get there! Bahhh!
Psss....didn't you know you are breaking the law by your actions you silly silly little girl!
lol, gotta luv those guys in management ... tell her you'll shove a broom up your ass so you can sweep up when doing other stuff!
I have told her since that I am not available fr the course
Yeah - the first thing that came to my mind was her breaking the law as well. What a dumb twit.
Mental health issues appear to be on the increase.
*chuckles* more work, longer hours and crap pay...dam I need another job!
1 in every 4 will have some sort of mental health issue at some point in their lives. (NHS Scotland 2011)
I don't think that its on the increase though, as far as I can see, we are just more likely nowadays to realise we need mental health treatment. Doctors are better at recognising someone has some sort of issue and to be perfectly honest, there is a trend towards youngsters (girls more than boys) alleging they have Bi-polar Disorder/Depression/Self-harm issues AND receiving medication for such, when in fact, their issues are psychologically treatable, rather than medically treatable.
I think the stats can be looked at from many directions, depending on who does the research and recording of data. I have done this kind of research a couple of times over the last few years and its sad but true that doctors are much more inclined to offer medication than psychological help to sufferers :(
As one who is on depression medication.......I agree with Sulks saying that youngsters these days are more prone to be medicated......
We live in a society these days to be so PERFECT that if we have one imperfection we are called Crazy......
I have found that some young people appear to think it cool to have Bi-polar Disorder/Depression/Self-harm issues.
I have a dislike of Doctors who are overpaid and some, pompous baboons who appear to have little understanding of mental health.
When I was made redundant in 2008 I was offered pills for depression when I wasn't even depressed, angry yes, not depressed!
Like we needed telling. lol
No shit. (Points to self).
There is not a lot that will push my buttons however what does really concern me is they said the same bloody thing back in the 80's.
We were lied to then. Just as they lied to us about Mad Cow Disease and told the people of the UK that it was safe to eat! They even went as far as getting a MP to eat some on TV.
So do we still have reason to not believe the reports. I am attempting to hire radiation detecting equipment, with little success....bah!
Uk levels rise and it is still safe! My bloody arse, the issue is there is almost nothing that we can do about it apart from lobby your local MP for a stop on Nuclear energy.
Well Japan's prime minister has made a public appeal for calm after raising the severity level of the nuclear plant crisis to the highest rating - on par with the 1986 Chernobyl disaster. He is still telling his people that it is still safe for them!
Now I remember the Chernobyl disaster and I remember all the sheep that had to be destroyed because of contamination and I also remember parts of Wales where the radiation levels were and still are so high that we are still not allowed to eat any produce from those areas. We were told then that it was safe levels, even though the Cancer rates have gone up over the last 30 years.
Sorry just having a little rant lol!
I know. I don't know what to believe either. Levels may well be safe for now, what happens a few months or years on though? Does it affect lifestock directly/indirectly, what about produce? My questions are endless the more I think about it.
Gonna build me a bunker!
And one which you shall not get an honest answer to
~That should say
"There is not a lot that will push my buttons apart from the Government"
I am not that easy now to wind up*evil grin*~
..and wait till you hear about the ants comin' out the ground about a foot high (just the babies).....
We will never be told the truth as long as politicians run the country!
"Please to meet you hope you guess my name" ...Pagan managed to pull it off again and what a really great interview and one which I was glad that Pagan was able to achieve AntiChrist, though I would of liked a little more because I am greedy for information.
They do seem short, but still worth it.
hey thanks!
Yeah. A little more info on the nefarious Antichrist would have been brilliant...let you into a little secret...I was too petrified to hang about with the evil one for any longer. I didn't want any of his bad ways to rub off onto me hehehe :P
Dam I spelt his name wrong at the top, or should it be a her ..well I had just finished a 14 hr night shift!
Sometimes a secret is just that.
Dam it ^^ lol
shhhh...don't tell! Dammit I do wanna know though! :P
but secrets want to be told.
23:38 Apr 24 2011
Ready for a 'spoiler' or two? ,, lol ... I won't do it to you, but it was errr 'interesting'.
08:46 Apr 30 2011
Episode 2 tonight!
10:09 Apr 30 2011
Really looking forward to it. : )