I got my blue badge today...gosh there was a time I would of laughed if someone had mentioned that I would have one. I now think that walking with a stick is quite distinguished and goes well with my greying hair.
I want to be young again, I don't like this growing old graciously thing. I still feel like I'm twenty years old and not middle aged. At least women still stop in the street and stare at my good looks LMAO sorry had to put that in here!!
There was a time once when school girls would whistle at me and woman of all ages would have a glance...Now it's just the older women who glance. I have started to use this cream on my face called Rescue cream and it's really good for getting out wrinkles...Bah lol now I sound like an old bitter tart lol.
What I'm attempting to write about.... oh god I'll leave it there before I did a big hole.
22:03 Apr 06 2009
Heres to aging gracefully.. * tips glass*
23:42 Apr 06 2009
Tips another glass to you
03:56 Apr 07 2009
Another toast to aging gracefully...plus, you have the humour and wit to go along with it!
(And middle-aged ain't old)...
08:51 Apr 07 2009
*Shakes head*....you got a bad case of the male menopause kid lmao