I look around and see many beautiful women on here. But, all are merely friends or just looking around doing their own thing to what ever that maybe? I flirt a little bit never push hard on them I let them make the move on me if you so choose to do so. I do know this is not a dating site. But, love can find you where ever you are. I a not going to list the ones I adore or is quite fond of because that would be rude. I watch an look for an sings if any but, none have come to me. I preyed to the gods in the sky an too my love if he can her me out there. I beg to thee come into my life bring hope an meaning back too this old soul that has been through more then any one can fathom. I have stopped looking for now an see if fate or karma blesses me with my true vampyric queen.
07:39 Feb 23 2014
That's when it will find you Nico
When you stop looking, it will turn up.
Keep your intention clear and honourable