I have a question for Judgement. If someone makes a coven for Pokemon, and they become Coven Master of that coven, does that make them a Pokemon master?
No leveling up from trainer, just a straight up master. :P
Ever notice how public transportation buses are so dirty? People just feel the need to shout, "Getting off!", while the driver says, "Leave through the back door."
Talk about kinky!
21:03 Feb 26 2012
Consider it this way:
The Coven Master would be the Champion of the Elite 4.
Then there'd be 4 higher admins who would be the Elite 4.
There'd be 8 lower admins who would be Gym Leaders.
Then Gym Trainers.
02:17 Feb 27 2012
So... I can't say "Shine my balls, I'm the master!"?!