I can be an ass, when it is necessary. But the Truth, and opinion and how we present them come down to our manners and tact. If someone is wrong about a subject, I will usually politely correct them, if someone has gotten under my skin and I feel offended, I will promptly let them know that it was offensive. Not you, I've seen your ilk jump on someone for a fucking vague passing comment. You're a stupid cunt, who's intelligence is left lacking along with a pretty face. You and all the box groupies jump on top of each other like its the only thing that matters. As for the people you jump on, god they are just as dumb for being such gluttons for punishment. Unless of course they are simply insane. Doing the same thing expecting different results.
I don't care about your mood swings, I don't care if you have more estrogen than me, and I really don't care if that's just the way you are. Honestly, that is the way you have consciously CHOSEN to be. For that I don't respect you, I don't like you, I really have a great amount of disdain for people like you, and No I don't think you're hot. So I'm not everyone then I guess.
OOO guess that wasn't so cryptic at the end.
She keeps trying to stick her finger in a hole that fingers don't belong in. Its scaring me, I didn't sign up for this!!!!
Oh hell! *Covers eyes* lol
o.O Oh my... lol
I would say return the favor but that could land you in more trouble..
Crikey, you oughta teach that woman how to use her thumb then!
Well, since its just the bellybutton I can live. As for doing it in return... she's got an Outie so its not fair.
Soooooo I was thinking while I have the time.
Gay pride parades, African American pride parades, Mexican pride parades, football, baseball, soccer, basketball, regular festival parades, hempfest, music concerts etc etc etc... All these events people pay for and travel for, but we can't get Hal of that population to vote nationally let alone locally.
We promote free speech, the allowance of semi-automatic rifles to be owned, children that get raped, abandoned, abused, and ignored. Women that go through the same things. Meanwhile the same crusty incumbent senators, representatives, and other congressmen sit in offices that no one really pays attention to whilst they collect our taxes, and lobbyist money to keep the status quo.
So while you sudo intellects watch crap like jersey shore, American idol, Americas got talent, dancing with the stars, keeping up with the Kardashians, the bachelor, and countless other dribble that doesn't require serious thought or relate to everyday people like us goes ignored. That you think you have all the solutions but last time I checked sitting on ones ass wasn't one of them.
And people wonder why other countries hate us.
Think of the line from Wallstreet...Greed is Good...that is why most Americans are lazy...greedy fucks.
Is that supposed to be a good reason? Or a reason at all? People choose to be lazy. I think it's time that their efforts
Are reflected upon their Rank in society.
Ok? Stay the fuck off my profile Emma, Jesus you're proving to be just as annoying as Ashley when she pulled this shit. I don't like you, you're a self absorbed pity party loving attention whore. Die away from me please.
It's story time with the pinja.
Once just a short while ago, the pinja was out with a beautiful, intelligent young woman. Times were good, but our stomachs began to growl. So a decision was made on where to eat. Peak dining hours as we walk in. Give my name for a table of two and a short wait before being seated. Approaching the table, I swiftly pulled a chair for my beautiful date to sit upon. She, so unaccustomed to manners moves past the chair and pulls her own to sit in. Somewhat confused I pause to let her sit then take the seat I just pulled. Quietly, I let her know I had set the chair for her. She flushed momentarily, and laughed as she told me no on really ever did that before.
That is my story. Chivalry and manners aren't dead, just dormant in quite a few places I see lol.
Love you hun, I'm sure this will always be a memory to laugh at.
*laughs hysterically* I do appreciate your gentlemanly behavior lol...I felt so stupid uggggh.
I was raised right. Just only show that once in a while.
James, James, James. You are perhaps the most unintelligent, and indecisive dishwasher I've ever met. It doesn't bug me that you're black. No what bugs me is that you think it's ok to come to work blazed, take multiple breaks, and getting even more blazed during such breaks. This causes you to become quite lethargic in your work speed. But your idiocy, and total lack if willingness to assume responsibility for job decisions any of us as kitchen staff know are our obligations is pathetic.
I swear if he asks me anymore really stupid questions, or decides to skirk his responsibilities again. That in going to send him back to Africa on the Amistad. Just saying.
Conversations from religion to pudding lol.
...both equally important in life lol
You'll fit right in babe :D
00:15 Oct 20 2010
Oh snap. Give me some of that flippity flap high fiiiive
00:21 Oct 20 2010
Holy SHIT. *giggle* McThrusty 1 - TheOther 0!
14:14 Oct 20 2010
Well put.
Personally, if you're a self-proclaimed bitch, then why should I listen to you? I don't understand barking anyway.
13:20 Oct 26 2010
I love it when you're dirty ;)