ThePinja's Journal

ThePinja's Journal


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16 entries this month

Your brand of comedy is my favorite.

21:31 Nov 29 2010
Times Read: 660

I have to watch Dracula dead and loving it tonight. All the greats are dying. Fuck!!!!



00:56 Nov 30 2010

"The children of the night....what a mess they make!" :P

19:39 Nov 30 2010



20:08 Nov 29 2010
Times Read: 668

So when I wasn't working this weekend, I was spending very little time in my own bed seeing as I was out for a good 15 hours a day from Friday to Sunday. Today another day, fuck, you guys had to throw her back in this? I left her out. You brought her back in. Such hypocrites to not want your name in journals, and so willing to throw others in. You threw your hats in when I went after Danny boy. Your loyalty is nice, but the mob mentality is pathetic.

This started a while back I let it go. You started your game again, then you ask "favors" demanding things be quelled. Dan you started your end of this and then act like your guiltless!!! I'm not guiltless I came after you with a purpose, you and your cronies keep proving my point. So high school bully, I'm the 6'1" 270lbs defensive lineman from high school who is also vastly more intelligent. I base this on my ego that's all. I don't care what you demand, who you try to send. I'm not untouchable. But I'm not going to intentionally break TOS.should I take away your shovel now?



20:24 Nov 29 2010

Can't wait till you are back in my bed ;)

00:02 Nov 30 2010

First off fucktard go eat you another twinkie and pretend its your online girlfriend, second of all. i dont give a fuck who you think you are or what you did. You are not worth the dirt that is on this planet. lets see 6'1 AND 270LBS sounds like a lard ass to me and so far out of shape you couldnt scratch your ass if you had to..


09:54 Nov 27 2010
Times Read: 708

Its not always fair, Its not always easy. To survive, it can't have a shit ton of anger though. Holding onto anger is like holding onto a hot coal with the intention of throwing it at someone else, you're the one who gets burned. I'm trying to stay calm, I know you're doing your best too.

We talked about tips today, get another job you said. Yeah, sometimes its not that easy. The market sucks, and for the sake of stability you gotta do what you know you can. Though I guess since i'm not offered health insurance, a union, a 401k or any sort of benefit for working around 350 degree oil, 400 degree grills, 10 stove tops, 1 650 degree pizza oven and a shit ton of corrosive cleaning chemicals not to mention the gas. No, i'll take my Straight hourly for adapting to this environment and doing the damn best I can to please peoples pallets and guts.



10:14 Nov 27 2010

Hospitality is one of the hardest career choices... it takes hard work, often long un-socialable hours and it frequently underpaid. I hear what you are saying. Hey, I have a risk assessment for the pan/griddles let me know if you want a copy :)

10:22 Nov 27 2010

I've left the top layer of my palm on plenty of grills LOL I know the risk assessment.

11:33 Nov 27 2010

ouch! the things we suffer to make people happy..

22:50 Nov 27 2010

That's not all I said but whatever...I'll just keep my opinions to myself from now on, besides, everything I say always ends up in your journal.

15:29 Nov 28 2010

Perhaps you should keep private things private instead of airing your dirty laundry out here for the rest of us to read. I have held many jobs in my life. Even in this shit economy, I was able to keep the bills paid. If you need a better job, then set your sights on what you want and go for it. Stop whining. Life sucks but I can promise you, I see at least 10 people a day whose life would make yours seem like fun. Grow up and realize its not all about you.



09:31 Nov 27 2010
Times Read: 710

Reevaluating work, what i'm planning on doing with school. Most importantly though what i'm going to do with my situation with Ryan. As always, thinking about you, thinking about us, and this. Where's that easy button.




I think, therefor I'm a dick.

08:50 Nov 27 2010
Times Read: 719

Because I express an opinion that you don't like, I think that way all the time? In All aspects of everything you do?

Come on. Chill out, and realize that if I thought the way you did right now. I would think you think i'm just a loser with no sense of taste, tact, dignity, and sense of humor.

I am who I choose to be, and i'm not Obi Wan Kenobi




A bit cold, or a monster. I'd rather a bit cold.

10:47 Nov 24 2010
Times Read: 746

I do not mean to lessen the death of one that was known by many. Though if my seemingly apathetic statement makes me cold in my acknowledgement than most of you are shear heartless monsters for NOT acknowledging the daily deaths of thousands worldwide. For we did not know them, but death still took them.

Although I may be held at times by anger, swimming in pools of pity, and lost in fogs of uncertainty at times. I look up at the sky each day, breath in the cold winters air, and am thankful I am allotted another day. We all should be. For I am fully aware how uncaring death is.

It does not care for the wife, the mother, the children, and grandchildren left who mourn. No again the Mother, the wife, the niece and nephews, and sisters left behind. Once more it takes, and cares not for the Mother, the sister and the children left behind. I'm fully aware of deaths piercing stab. I'm also aware that while the wound heals, I can spend time nursing it, or I can spend time enjoying what hasn't been destroyed. My apathy is not coldness, it is merely my minds fight against that which has already wounded me badly.



20:11 Nov 24 2010


We mourn the Loss of a couple of fallen Members here now, but we must also acknowledge the Cycle of Life and thousands left bereft each, and every day in this World.



09:45 Nov 22 2010
Times Read: 760

*holds out both hands, open turning my palms over and back.*

Blind faith, is not given without absolute assurance, or pure stupdity. I am done standing here falsely accused for things I've not done. For things you

"know" I'm doing or would do. You want blind faithful loyalty of me. For me to trust you completely! Yet, you will not do so in return.

It's a two way street, I wasn't making all these changes just for myself, but also for you. Its been tough, I'll be here when you will put your pride down and just really talk.

This isn't a war, if one loses we both lose.




00:31 Nov 22 2010
Times Read: 767

I'm not


Merely flawed like you.





20:36 Nov 20 2010
Times Read: 782

As I am a cook, and pretty good at it. My friends and family get professionally made certificates stating i will cook for them however many dinners are on said certificate. Though they still have to buy all the ingredients. Basically I come in, prep, cook, clean and leave lol. Personal chef for a day. Times are tough at least i'm not giving out underwear....

thanks grandmother. I'm TWENTY-FOUR give me a bottle of Jameson!!

Of course i'm going to spoil Ryan rotten, and someone else.



20:59 Nov 20 2010

A man that cooks is totally hot. :P


10:24 Nov 19 2010
Times Read: 801

Its not an absence, its a pause of thought. I'm not sure if some of the things I have to say will shatter what brittle glass ways we tread already. Our issues are ours, I suppose we've got to address them.



12:58 Nov 19 2010

Well you had better get on it then, I don't play games..

16:58 Nov 19 2010

I totally agree with you but there are also people who will go the extra mile just to get what they can out of the other person and in the end one or both of the people will end up hurt . people rush into things without there eyes being wide open , love is not all hearts and flowers its real work . its not changing the other person its excepting them for who and what they are. and in saying this I truly hope you and P. are a success together.

02:12 Nov 21 2010

hope everything works out for u both :) hugs to u both xx



21:28 Nov 18 2010
Times Read: 815



I don't think you get it.

00:00 Nov 18 2010
Times Read: 839

I'm not against online relationships or long distance ones at that. Though I seem to think too many people, especially on vr are merely in love with the idea of being in love. That you don't have to worry about every insecurity of knowing that person in person. That you don't actually have to commit in all seriousness to the real planning of a life with one another. You can talk of marriage, or kids, of what you want to do. Doing it, is another matter. Too many just don't have the stones to actually take the leap and meet. Many more, can't even show their real faces. The list of people who have inter mingled their dating is ridiculous on here. Seriously yall should have Electro gonorrhea "the noisy killer."

Basically, the lot of ya are sluts, e-sluts, but sluts nonetheless. Social behavior of a very promiscuousness nature in person, or virtual is in the effort and action of the people. Love isn't a game you should turn on and off, toggle and tilt, lie and cheat. Get over yourselves people, its pretty fucked up to act so callously.

Oh yeah... Shite Shitsu Kudasai



00:10 Nov 18 2010

I'd say we took the leap and then some ;) But yes, I agree with you on this, it's just not a real relationship unless you TAKE ACTION, and not just talking about it, after all, words are cheap.

02:18 Nov 21 2010

wow harsh ,i have met a couple off vr that turned out nothing like i thought they would be or what they said they were ,to many fakes hide beehind a comp screen but there is a few decent ones that actualy find it hard to meet people in real life straight out personally i dont get out much due 2 alot of things but im not a e-slut .......... chill pill in need here me thinks hehe any ho hope all is well with you aint spoke in a while hope things are working out with you 2 x


Best advice given, is rarely the one we listen to ourselves.

09:27 Nov 16 2010
Times Read: 848

I can't not worry, even though I tell others not to worry about stuff. I over think everything. Constantly, I'm visualizing worst case scenarios and situations of little positive outcome. I'm worrying, I really don't like being in the dark..... Only thing worse than just not having any control, is when someone else controls all of it.




Not quite a hoot.

06:09 Nov 16 2010
Times Read: 855

The wind is redunculous, Its apparently blown a few transformers throughout the city. I'm going to go ahead and shut down before stuff starts blowing. Peace out VR I leave you with this insult do to my good friends falling out with people on World of Warcraft over a freaking alliance change.

This is why I don't get so into WoW, Because people who have to define themselves through their game play are sad pathetic sacks of diseased afterbirth which sat in the sun where every canine within 10 miles defecated upon, then attempted to eat, and there after threw up.



06:58 Nov 16 2010

hehe WoW...tell you what Scotland's been wind-ravaged all year am getting pretty fed up of it myself :)


08:36 Nov 07 2010
Times Read: 875

If I'm a fairly out together adult, and you're a fairly put together adult. Perhaps you can come talk to me about your concerns when it comes to this. Stop assuming who I am people. What you read about me is not the same as having a conversation with me. I'm slightly disappointed that you would downplay me without even finding out my plans.

No, this isn't relationship stuff.



20:17 Nov 08 2010



19:08 Nov 02 2010
Times Read: 896

It probably won't be a good day. Ryans mom is being a cunt towards me still, my buddies mom asks me to drive them to Costco on her day off, and try to control the urge to cry. Don't care if people know that I can cry, I just hate doing it in front of others. Everyone has problems, I'm not special. Pain is a reactive response, let's you know you're still living, heartache just sucks.



23:40 Nov 02 2010


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