LAWL, same reason that you've had so many different boyfriends on this site. Except they know what she looks like. Most of your suitors would probably run if they REALLY knew what you looked like. I think to date there is only One, maybe two now who do know? The average pig of a guy likes an easy lay that has no ideas of commitment, nor knows his exact address and can stalk him. I'm not sure your real motivation for saying what you said. Perhaps its jealousy that even a skank can actually be confident enough to meet a guy in person instead of backing out hundreds of times.
I'm in no way condoning her behavior, its reprehensible, disgusting, and a discredit to women. Much like the men who want to throw their Vienna Sausages down her cavern are discredits to men. I'm just saying, I somehow doubt that your reasons are purely out of disgust, you're too much of a snake to be that straight forward.
P.S. Don't care, No names, if you figure it out good for you, don't like it DEAL.