In trouble for telling the truth. Well there goes the raising that you'll never been in as much trouble for telling the truth than for lying.
I don't care, it was a fucking thought. Who hasn't considered having sex with a partner while watching tv? It happens, did I do it, no. But i'm in trouble for admitting the thought running through my mind.
You ask a question and get pissed off that the answer is not what you wanted. DON'T ASK!
There was a bunch of casual information slightly educational on the behavioral patterns and reactions of a species but I found it boring after I typed it.
The whole lot of ya, antagonists, protagonists, blind stupid brainless cannon fodder are fucking lame. Its the same thing over and over. Its like you think you're going to get somewhere by picking fights with people who only listens to what their leader tells them. Different people, different time, same story. You are the Napoleons, the Hitlers, the Romans. Attacking when your resources are low. Then again they do the same thing over and over, find some minute stupid thing to get angry about and stretch it as much as possible because they feel entitled to whatever they did. I really don't give a damn, I'm just here to laugh at both sides. At all the snakes in the grass, people I may have once thought to respect that I never will again after the betrayals they have led. The information leaked that they are too stupid to realize i'm smart enough to know they passed on. Fucking pathetic. Go back to high school, wait, go back to columbine except this time it'll be the select of you and we'll implode the building once you're all secure.
OK, Watch at your own potential mind melting stupidity. anytime I watch it, I loathe those that are stupid enough to call this "Art, or music." This is worse than the idea that a puritan girl knowing math is a witch.
If you're still alive after watching this, and need someone to kill, go down to your local Hot Topic and wait for the Juggalos who DONT work there and go to town.
That was painful....
Hey, man, I have a great idea for a rap!
What is it?
We'll just LIST some things we think are cool! Lists are easy to rap, right?
Brilliant idea. To a retard perhaps. This was so painful to hear.
People want to define things and other people but not have themselves defined. Well FINE lets define the word, and then you can suck on lemons to get that shit taste out of your mouth!
/gɒθ/ Show Spelled[goth] Show IPA
one of a Teutonic people who in the 3rd to 5th centuries invaded and settled in parts of the Roman Empire.
a person of no refinement; barbarian.
before 900; Middle English Gothe < Late Latin Gothī (plural); replacing Old English Gotan (plural) ( Gota, singular); cognate with Gothic Gut- (in Gut-thiuda Goth-people)
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Also, Goth, goth.
/ˈgɒθɪk/ Show Spelled[goth-ik] Show IPA
( usually initial capital letter ) noting or pertaining to a style of architecture, originating in France in the middle of the 12th century and existing in the western half of europe through the middle of the 16th century, characterized by the use of the pointed arch and the ribbed vault, by the use of fine woodwork and stonework, by a progressive lightening of structure, and by the use of such features as flying buttresses, ornamental gables, crockets, and foils.
( usually initial capital letter ) pertaining to or designating the style of painting, sculpture, etc., produced between the 13th and 15th centuries, especially in northern Europe, characterized by a tendency toward realism and interest in detail.
( initial capital letter ) of or pertaining to Goths or their language.
( usually initial capital letter ) of or pertaining to the music, especially of northern Europe, of the period roughly from 1200 to 1450, including that of the Ars Antiqua, Ars Nova, and the Burgundian school.
( usually initial capital letter ) pertaining to the Middle Ages; medieval.
( sometimes initial capital letter ) barbarous or crude.
( often initial capital letter ) noting or pertaining to a style of literature characterized by a gloomy setting, grotesque, mysterious, or violent events, and an atmosphere of degeneration and decay: 19th-century gothic novels.
( initial capital letter ) noting or pertaining to the alphabetical script introduced for the writing of Gothic by Ulfilas and derived by him from Greek uncials with the addition of some Latin and some invented letters.
( often initial capital letter ) being of a genre of contemporary fiction typically relating the experiences of an often ingenuous heroine imperiled, as at an old mansion, where she typically becomes involved with a stern or mysterious but attractive man.
( usually initial capital letter ) the arts and crafts of the Gothic period.
( initial capital letter ) the extinct Germanic language of the Goths, preserved especially in the 4th-century translation by Ulfilas of the Bible. Abbreviation: Goth, Goth., goth.
( often initial capital letter ) a story, play, film, or other work in the gothic style.
( usually initial capital letter ) British . black letter.
( often initial capital letter ) a square-cut printing type without serifs or hairlines.
Watch out!!!!!! My baby is in a MOOD RUUUUUUN
think i'm going to go read my bible and ward off some spirits.
Must be that sparkle shit you are wearing. :P
Me thinks its a Crimson tide that just don't know when its no longer welcome.
scaredy cat *grins*
German Sparkle Party anyone?
I've said it before and I'll say it again.....methinks you are a closet gay :P
Only for the prettiest man in all of england. Orlando Bloom
looking 4 my rubber boots now :P~~
23:48 Mar 07 2011
Then maybe you need to find somebody else that doesn't make you wanna watch tv rather than be in the moment. Glad I found out now.