Chilling and watching stuff on youtube. having horrible conversations with my buddies about things that I know i'm going to hell for.
so much guinness. We started at one pm and.... Its now almost one am. So much delicious beer
omg i tried Guinness for the first time today lol i thought it was horrid !!
*Leaves him asprin*
thanks but u don't wake up with hangovers. I was just hungry that morning. Kinds thirsty too
I don't really have dreams anymore. I'm missing something, I'm lost within myself again. Thought I was past this. Fuck
sins, purposefully commited, non purposefully shattered, out of place. I hurt with only the intention of love and friendship. I keep fucking up. I don't even know how I do it. I'm me that's all I've been all I can. And yet I'm doing more harm than good.
Perhaps it'll be best to leave a while. These thoughts they ferment into horrid emotions. I just want simplicity, why is it zoo out of reach?
00:22 Apr 01 2009
haha those are the most interesting and fun conversations though, ya gotta admit.