Got a case of porter, a stomach that hasnt eaten in at least 12 hours and a serious case of stabbed heart syndrome. Love life and all it's pain, accept them for they are our Karma
Jadee arrived Saturday, a bit of directional confusion but arrived safely and intact all the same. We went to a Masquerade Rock show that night, it was awesome. She wore a beautiful mask and outfit to go with it. I had my standard 'Mr. Gestures' mask. It was a great show, three damn good bands and the fourth most awesome was Esitu. They for the first time in Eight Years of Masquerade mayhem did an actual duet for their rendition of Phantom of the Opera. I joygasm'd
The next day kind of sucked only because I had to work at noon, but Jadee and I slept in and enjoyed every moment of it. We went to a few different places to eat, I found an item I need to create for myself. All around we had a wonderful time. I miss her already, but with good luck and hard work it'll only be a month and a half before I move over there.
Yay =)
It was the best Christmas ever, love you Rod, always and forever ♥
Had a really good conversation with my grandmother. They don't happen very often, I got all my stubborn behavior from her. Things are good though, i'm working off my debt to her. Picking up some delicious shortbread mmmmm.
Talked about my "little" brother, he's 6'2" and 17, I'm 6'1" on a good day lol. Sadly he's coming to the end of his rope with our grandmother. Yelling, cussing, copping an attitude over nothing. Downright lying about the shit my grandmother doesn't care if you tell her the truth about. Think i'm going to have to kick his ass to get him in shape. He's trying to apply for college scholarships, finish up and graduate all while being partially deaf. He pretty much requires hearing aids. She took away his laptop, is returning the 360 she bought for him, and is giving him underwear instead. Never piss off grandmother. I mean, she's 76 for fuck's sake she's got high blood pressure, back issues, leg issues. SHES OLD, why doesn't my brother realize how much stress he's giving her? I mean I was hard headed, but finally I just up and left to be on my own.
We talked about AJ, and then Aunt Terry, and psycho sister. Its not the best life we've had, but we are alive, and we have all our organs and limbs. I learned young how to take care of myself and that was the moment my mother didn't really care about me anymore. It happened with John, it happened with AJ, mother died before it could happen with Marlena.
She was by no means a Saint, not a great mother after self reliance became an available option. But she was my mother, I was only 16 when AJ, and Marlena were taken from their Donor of seeds. Though even just a kid I still had the right of mind to tell my grandmother one thing. "Mom would want them to be with you grandma." Family, no matter how dysfunctional is important. To learn, to live, to love, to tolerate, and to understand through the years. We may not always like our families, but we still love them. I just wish they'd realize how much our Matriarch has done for them, at great financial, emotional, and physical labor.
Oddly enough, my older brother and I have been talking again. Funny thing, he's going through the best local Culinary Arts program. Doing stuff I know how to do, but not quite comfortable doing with someone else's money lol. He's good though, keeping his Diabetic Ass alive for now. His wif seems to be fine too, though the boys are all healthy, smart, and hellions in their own right. Ah to be one of the family. He really wants to see his Nephew, i'm working on that one. Ryan should see all of his family. I just have to deal with the red tape that is his mothers control issues.
I think back on all the events that have happened in our family. Most, sad and tragic, though a few happy and remembered quite well.
This life we've lived, it shapes us as much as we shape it. Life happens as we react to it, and it reacts to us. As chaotic as is the human condition, it is also balanced. There will always be regrets, but when you know things have worked out as best as you've allowed and you can be fairly satisfied with that its not bad at all.
My family is mine, every alcoholic, habitual liar, lazy slob, anger management canidate, and stubborn person within it. I know it could be worse, i'm happy it isn't.
I had said this to a friend the other evening. As I was going through and deleting messages I happened upon it again and thought about it. I liked it enough to say it, I like it enough to put it here.
I treat this site like it is. A vampire aristocracy. People use other people to step up higher on the ladder. Sometimes we step lightly, other times we step hard. I prefer to use a different ladder.
I prefer your friends ladder too.. That is if I would ever want to climb one in the first place. The site is all about chilling for me, and I tend to get annoyed if I have to think too much on here lol.
I'm lucky to have you as a friend here; you really are able to interpret Situations from a healthy, realistic, neutral Perspective.
Jadee is one lucky girl!
So my roommate tells me about 2 hours ago that our funds are short for rent. Odd, I gave him 400 dollars of my hard earned money. So my half was paid. "The manager took longer than anticipated to deposit the rent check." So what my roommate was saying was, that even though rent was due, he still had other more important checks, and or payments going on his account.
He's still paying for a Gym he's visited maybe 6 times in the last 2 months. Wasting his money on shit thats causing him to be short his half of rent. I LOANED him 100 so he could pay his phone bill last month and buy some food.
So how do I still have a place to live? He went to good ole mom. First, she asked if I had any more money to put forth... FUCK NO! I already gave him 100 he can't pay me back, which was part of my Christmas shopping money. I have barely enough money to buy food till pay day at this point. Which is....TEN days away. I'll have Five potential days to do my Christmas shopping. Pay rent, pay phone bill, buy bus pass. My three focused payments other than Child support.
He doesn't have to fucking provide for another life than his own and he spends twice as much money as I do somehow!!!! I'm fucking done. I'm going to get some boxes from work on the eighteenth bring em home and pack a lot of my things up. So that I can just chill in the spare bedroom of my grandmothers for a month till I move to Idaho. It'll probably save me three to four hundred dollars in the process.
Wait... wait... wait.
Idaho? Really? Why would you do that to yourself?
It's terrible here. :o/
Well, other than being singled out as one of ten minorities legally in the state of Idaho, I'd be with someone I love. The Minority has a lot to do with it though. LOL
What a leech he is! I hate leeches. Go to Granny's n' try to get some of your lolly back from the loser.
Not something I really touch base on too often on here. Any number of reasons, though the main one is that it is pertains to the most uncertain aspect of life. The future, namely Ryan, my son. I see my son, I've watched him grow, and i'm mortified every day. Terrified by the thought that my son will come to resent me, hate me, not want his father as he comes to be an adult. It doesn't matter what anyone says to me about how good of a father I am, or have been thus far. I still have this bout of immense fear for I know how uncertain the future is.
Lately, it strikes harder, punches deeper to my heart as I know soon he and I won't even be in the same state. That his mother plans on moving him and his little brother to Tennessee. He still calls me by name, as opposed to Dad. I have to blame his mother and grandmother for that one though. I won't play the game, I can't bring myself down to their level. He'll learn, I have to hope, but I also fear out of my influence that she'll teach him to not want me.
Juan, was an asshole, my father..what I come from. Doubted the very legitimacy of his parentage, for myself anyway. Not for my older brother. Never called to talk to me, but John yes. Then my little siblings father, beatings, words of malice, misdirection. My mom knew how to pick em, then pawn us older boys off on my grandmother since she we weren't cute and young anymore. If you want a mind fuck as a nine year old... try getting a soft answer from a woman who's generational gap is 52 years. I had a bed, I had a home, I even had some privileges that helped me cope through an awkward 10 years. I never really felt love though.
Everybody is some kind of damaged, thats what give us our quirks. It gave me a more than displaced feeling of being left out. I still do, I can mold into almost any group, any situation, but I'll never feel like I belong there. Nowhere is where I'm meant to be it seems.
So that feeling is left, and I combine that with being a father as failure scares me. My son rejecting me as he grows will probably kill me. I focus on the positive a lot, but i'm ALWAYS calculating the negative. Its eaten up a lot of me, made me colder, less impressed with true goodness, and far less able to react well with the best circumstances of life.
He's only three and a half, but he's smart as can be. Intricate with details, the memory to recite dozens of different scenes from hundreds of movies. Knows how to work his mom to get what he wants, and knows that kind of behavior doesn't work with me. I'm the strict one... its why I fear the outcome I do. Soon, it'll be select holidays, and summers only that i'll get to see my son. Until a time when he can decide what he wants to do. If things work out. This fucking parenting plan. A draft, then a re proposal, then a proposed counter draft from the mother. Court dates, and animosity, these are the things I see. They would mean little if I didn't already know how underhanded his mother and grandmother can be.
Its all so hard, though thats the way its supposed to be I suppose. I have to go into this remembering one thing... love. I love my son, I must be the best father I can be.
I love you son. I always will, even if you have nothing but contempt for me in years to come.
they are a bitch.. right after getting off the phone. Laying down, rolling over... i'm energized.. MOTHER FUCK!!!! So here I am reading stuff hoping to just pass back out. Make the eyes tired, you'll make the mind tired. An old trick that doesn't seem to want to work anymore.
I force myself to sound... apathetic, its the worst defense mechanism I have. It also probably causes me more pain than protection. I care, I always will. Right now... I just don't know what to do. I know that I have to decide, and soon.
So many things I'd like to say, but I know none of them are true. I'm sad, hurt, and really disappointed at myself about this. I know, I absolutely know now though that we lacked a grey area. There are very few areas of life that are just black and white for me. I can't live in a strict this or that world. I wish we'd come to that realization sooner, a lasting friendship... I could have hoped for. Now... you hate me, and I myself for your pain.
Because you Insulted An entire culture, here is the answer you seek as to what kind of person gets a Tree of life tattoo'd on their arm.
The Tree contains the 7 Celtic life forms,
Plant, Insect, Fish, Reptile, Bird, Beast and
Man. The lower half represents the potential
and code for life that in pasted from
generation to generation, while the top
half reveals the current manifestation
of that life.
Some people will never understand why someone else does what they do or why they choose the ink on their skin.
What we choose to be, what we want to be, what we can be. The things we do effect generations to come. Another reason it appealed to me.
Screw them.. who cares why you got it so long as its something you want. its your body man. have at it.
I want Jays portrait tattooed on my left ass cheek but he wont let me. :(
who done cuss the Celtic Tree knot eh? lol
There ain't a drop of Asian Persuasion in my blood...yet I have Kanji on my left hip and someday, a Japanese Dragon will encircle it, going slightly down my leg.
I'm gonna say thats cause you live in an Asian super culture center of California? Frankly unless its Sacramento and its on the coast its an Asian super center lol.
I will say this. I am Celtic, and I have Celtic tattoos even a red and black tribal dragon and a native American wolf on my shoulder. You should not have to be a part of some culture just to get a tattoo that you like, Pinja, Get whatever tat you want and tell the rest to go screw themselves. It is your body, you have to look at it, and live with it, not anyone else.
I've always liked that tattoo. You can easily see the Celtic roots of it and the meaning too. :) I wish I could get a tattoo somewhat like that, but that will be a while away. The Tree of Life has always been my favorite Celtic symbol.
–verb (used with object)
to disturb persistently; torment, as with troubles or cares; bother continually; pester; persecute.
to trouble by repeated attacks, incursions, etc., as in war or hostilities; harry; raid.
You're not supposed to do it. So stop. Otherwise you will be reported, on both sites.