Brushing the hair from your face.
Beautiful smile, stunning eyes revealed.
Bodies entwined, timeless night.
The blankets impede, and are thrust aside.
The cool, star filled night our canopy.
Moonlight makes your skin like porcelain,
Your smile is heaven.
Your laugh, the muses song.
These flowers aren't enough,
these words, aren't worthy of you.
Still I try, because I wait, I dream.
For you, Beauty, perfection, Soul of an angel.
The sun shines in my eyes.
Waking me from another dream of you.
Whos hair is dark as a moonlit pond.
And as light as the rays of brightest of stars.
When will I meet you?
Will you recognize me from your dreams,
As I would you from mine?
This will happen.
I wait, I dream for your love to shine.
My unknown love.
Swirling around,
A pestelant mist in my mind.
You come and go,
merely to play your game.
Just leave, stop the maddness.
I don't want to know your method.
I've seen enough of this "love."
Its ripped a hole through mind and heart.
I'd like to repair the damage I allowed.
You're not a part of my life, not as a friend.
As such you shouldn't be as a nuisance.
So leave me be, let my mind settle.
I wish to be done with you.
Hold nothing over my head, as I let you go.
Drown in your own choices,
I'll not be your savior.
I never was.
Wrapping your tendrills around my throat.
Gripping so tightly, crying, still loving you.
Why would you waste such a gift?
My only gift I have to give.
Please, throw me across the room,
whip me, beat me, slice me from ear to ear.
But don't destroy my emotions.
My soul is cracked far beyond repair.
So its only a matter of time,
before I throw it all in your face.
Throw it away, and give you every bit of your own shit and smear it in your face.
Because this nice guy is wearing away.
You're scratching the chained up door.
Where the beastly bastard dwells.
Do you really want him to come out?
I'll unlock the door, and you'll feel the pain you have wrought upon me you secretive scandolous WHORE!
I only offer everything I have, and you continue to slap my face. Well FUCK OFF, its not for you anymore. You don't deserve it, you've lost the trust, the respect, the love.
I'm not yours, I'm not anyones, and yet I AM everyones. Keep me contained and shake the don't want the results of that little experiment. Or do you, is your fucked up mind so pyschotic that you love these mind games?
I know they taught you how to play them,
did you know, that I can play them too?
Or that my hatred is an unending well?
So much hate...myself..oh there is much about myself to hate. You saw past it, but was that just another lie?
Live a happy life, away from me..
Scratch that..DIE AWAY FROM ME!
I wasted breath, time, and heart on you.
Only to be hurt for nothing. Nothing did I do to deserve it from YOU.
You take the pain others bring upon you onto me. Now take it upon your child, for it too shall grow to hate you as I am learning. This is such a wasted emotion. I think i'll just try to forget you now.
I'm walking into the fog now...I hope you don't try to follow, I won't be found when the sun rises.
21:49 Mar 24 2008
I LOVE THIS POEM!!!!!! awwwww so romantic! :P
21:39 May 16 2008
wow.that's freaking awesome!