Did you not like it? You neglected to comment, yet I'm glad, you're the reporter for your little group. Gathering up what COULD be fodder for your savage group displays of finger pointing, screaming and self deification. I don't respect the leader enough to let him suck the smegma off a slave if I had one. Do you even think anyone else respects you?
Go on, go on back and nip at the heels and report my insults. Too bad it'll take you till the end of any possible verbal raping to figure out which one of you i'm actually insulting.
No I Don't care really what 99.993 % of you have to say about it. I fucked up, no justifying, no escaping. Full admission on my part, but none of what any of you have to say matters. What Jadee says matters, what she feels matters, and I am trying to right all the wrongs I am able. Now something that does have to do with ONE of you.
LAWL, such a pathetic little egotistical server in this little kitchen. Get yours, manipulate till you have the position and then pull it over on us. I NEVER trusted you, kitchen style, I'm a Chef, you're a snake. If you have the Audacity to do it to Jadee, than you'll do it to anyone, well they are your friends now and you belong there. You start shit because you're probably not getting it at home, and you're just that sad and pathetic. I'm not starting anything. I'm actually shoveling your own excrement on the coals so they don't come back later.
Nemo, that is what you are, soon enough even they will begin to ignore you miss "LOOK AT ME!"