She has been left quite sated as she stares up at me requesting to know the next interactive Showtime.
With what here may wane never after that which lays cemented in the ground. As I think and brood on all these we've uttered I know where I stand on such unsure footing. These long moments swept upon such short days, as forever keeps arriving abruptly in my mind. A yes for that which we know and a no which YES, cannot be kept away. How Certain doubt can be, when everything is proven in the unanswered equation of highest value, where there is only priceless love.
A presence here, in this vacant place. A pain felt only by a numbness which could not understand how fallible the perfection of my emotions are.
Double speak, and oxymoron's equate to nothing when merely I do, in the attempt to present my love.
00:28 Apr 11 2011