I sat upon my stool during the midnight hour, Marveling, Yes! At night's eternal power. I gazed into the myriad of stars, in awe of their tiny lights from afar. No aid to my sight, to see their tiny lights on this very special night. I must admit, I was enthralled, No, Captivated to say the least. I've been out here gazing for weeks upon weeks, neglecting day for a nocturnal's sleep. But tonight is different, Oh so very altered this eve. I must confide unto you this secret revelation, this confidential observation. This will be a terrible sight to see, because Death has come to wisk me away from thee! He has come knocking at my door to take my miserable life, Oh so hastily! But as I gasp on my fleeting words and shout them to the Heavens at you my loves, I resolve to not go easily. As I scream into his black cowl, "I will not go!", He left me as quickly as he came. But I am changed. Immortal as a ghost, never to again to look upon your beauty with mortal eyes. I am to remain in this rift between both realms, For now, always, and beyond the eternal ends of forever, for time immemorial.
05:28 Jun 07 2012