Do, doo doo doo doo, Do, doo doo doo, doo doo doo
When someone is rated...
Made by AllGoodNamesRGone
I was going for whiney and butthurt, I was trying to capture the full moment. Lol Just so hard to capture in a still photo.
That would kinda make a good rating stamp. lol
*chuckles* at Mogy.
I never thought of that Cursed but by all means go for it. All in good fun. I’m a jokester and like to have fun. Sometimes people take my sense of humor the wrong way.
That CuRsEd Honey Badger Don't Give A SHIT!
I can totally relate...
On another note I could really use a graphic like this for my new profile name. Lol
LMAO! THIS is great!?! Can I have this for my profile? LOL!
WOOT! Thank you!
Oh hellz yeas this graphic is bad ass! Thankyou for rocking it TNG style, you amazing Admin you:p
Awesome graphic! I saw this members journal about you! It is a great tribute to you!
Dope graphic
I would just like to take a moment and thank all of the administrators of vampire rave. You are a priceless asset to all members of this website and keep things running in a nice and pleasant order as much as possible. You help keep this website family friendly, ethical, and full of new appropriate content for the database. Thank you for answering our site related questions, moderating our forum posts, approving our database entries, monitoring our profiles, managing our societies and overall keeping Vampire Rave running. Thank you for volunteering your time and effort.
thankyou as well! You are awesome!
Thank you as well!
03:56 Mar 03 2021
I gotta try this with my friends