I always thought I found that one guy who doesn't care what his friends think......who shows me off with pride.....who kisses me in public......guess i was wrong......
Was in a good mood....then he came over, and we argued. Now it's not so good.....ah to be forgotten by someone who means the world to you....sometimes I wonder if he knows how much he can hurt me with the little things he does.
I'm thinking about deleting this profile and starting over :D I want OPINIONS!
As many of you know, I'm a freshmen in college who is taking 20 credit hours and working part time. I belive I've mentioned that I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to getting on VR. Well, now that summer has begun I will be around much more, but I have a question.
When did being away, being a college student, constitute an anonymous trade? today I logged in to find a message, very sweet and forward, stating that someone in the coven offered me up for a trade with no reason why.
Those of you who know me, know very well that when I have the time I'm active, I go and rate profiles and covens, I post in the forum and I keep my profile updated and advertising my pride.
It would be wonderful if someone, anyone could tell me why I was offered as a trade, with no knowledge of it, or why they didn't tell the coven master they were trying to trade me to why I was being traded when I let everyone know before hand that I would not be able to log on for some time.