I went to the hospital last night even though I had been to urgent care the day before. I couldn't hold anything down not even water. After an iv and some other injections into the iv I was finally able to hold things down and the doctor made some corrections to the urgent care doctor'spercriptions given to me and ordered me to quit taking the others. But when I laid there in misery all I thought of was how much my father cared and that death would eventually end my life as I listened to the machine that pumped the iv. into me. I just wanted it to end. All I felt was that my father cared... Thats what I knew for sure and I was willing to let go knowing that at least he cared. The images I painted in my mind will be stained there forever. I have ruined my self and my world. There is no going back.
23:16 Apr 10 2008
No, your right there is no going back, and that's just as it should be. Your bound to feel low after being so sick. Get better soon and look forward to the future only you can make happen.