A sea of white covered the ground. The tracks he had made were almost gone now. the air around him so thick with the flurries that he couldn't make out the trees that surrounded him. As he lay there, breathing heavily, it occurred to him that he had made the wrong choice. He closed his eyes filling them being covered with fresh powder as the memories came flooding in. with a loud thud his eyes flew open looking down to see the hands of a small girl tugging on his fingers. "He came! He came!" she exclaimed with a glee that could only mean it was Christmas morning. He smiled as the little one dragged him down the hallway into the den showing a bevy of boxes and packages sitting here and there. Beautiful bright colors adorned the low light room as the twinkling lights gave off new and more vibrant colors. He turned to pull out his camera not finding it where he usually kept it. He turned back to ask her if she had seen it. To his dismay the room was dark. There were no more presents nor gift bags. The tree itself was nowhere to be seen. More importantly the little one who had been so eager to take him here could not be found. He wanted so much to give up and let the coldness that had now enveloped him completely take over. To just give in and admit defeat. However, now more than that he wanted to know what was going to happen next. He forced his eyes open seeing a large dark form growing ever closer to him. He reached out for it with the last of his strength. The last thing he felt was a thick leather glove gripping his arm as the ground beneath him started to move. He was going to make it, at least for now...