So, I did it. I said goodbye to ForwardUntoDawn and hello to this name. I know, my profile isn't really all that well put together at present. The writing jumps all over the place and it's nowhere near as articulate as I wished it to be. But, it was late when I did all this, so I'm going to be a bit forgiving of myself here. I'm in the process of writing out something new already, something that gives a little more insight to this name, why I chose it, and what exactly it means to me on a personal level. I don't know when I'll be finished, but something is in the works. I'm not the biggest fan of the color scheme I have going on, without Photoshop and a computer, it's so hard for me to find the right complimentary colors to go with the background and still make the text readable. But, it's decent enough, I suppose. I couldn't put everything off forever just because I don't have my shit together here. It was time for a change, and I'm happy with it, little as there is right now. I rated myself pretty low, simply to get the account off the Top page. It doesn't belong there, and I wasn't going to give myself a ten when I'm unhappy with things. Especially when I rate others so harshly. One day I'll get things perfect here, and on that day I'll give myself a ten because that's what you do. So, yeah... New name. New layout. Same Immy.