TheFashionZombie's Journal

TheFashionZombie's Journal


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2 entries this month


The City of Hungry Eyes

09:54 Mar 11 2012
Times Read: 417

It was always a lingering feeling. Like a ticking clock in your brain, always counting down the seconds with an annoying click of its arms. And when chaos struck open the hearts of the population, the clock stopped clicking. And all that was left was the never ending silence.

The day that the government fell to the massing hordes of undead was a day that will live in the hearts of all survivors. The last live news cast had been months ago, and the last roar of an engine had been heard only a few weeks ago. Eventually, that too, would never be heard again. The sky gave way to the birds and the earth gave way to the animals that had once inhabited it before airplanes and skyscrapers and subway cars. The interstate roads crumpled and the farmlands were no longer cleanly cut, but a huge forest of brush.

I was one of the lucky ones I guess you could say. I lived in the middle of a small town with few neighbors, and those there where lived far away. Too far too catch me off guard and attack me in the dark. None of my family members were on a business trip, or at school and I myself has graduated so I was at home when the infection started too. I didn’t have a motive to go wandering into the unknown, to be in the clutches of death. I just did it anyway. And I brought a few friends along.

“You alright Hogie Bear?” I called behind me, turning around to face his stocky sweaty figure.

He swallowed hard and put his hands on his knees, bending over. Then said nothing, just nodded. He knew we had to keep moving so that we could make it to the mid points before dark. Being into the streets after dark was a death sentence to anyone and everyone.

“Im alright Tay. I’ll make it.” He gasped.

“You better or were all fucked out here.” Said Justin, my right hand man. He was tall, strong and a good shot. Not to mention good to look at. He smiled at me through his tuff of dark hair and slapped Hogie on the back. Poor guy nearly toppled over but he smiled in spite of it and got to his feet.

“Fuck that shit.” Said Senna, another member of the group. “I’d leave your ass behind.” She took another drag of her cig and grinned at him. He smiled back and held his hand out for one himself. She pulled out a pack of Newports and handed them over after lighting herself another.

“Ya know I don’t think it’s the zombies you have to worry about it. The cig’s seem to be doing the job for them.” I said, crinkling my nose at the smell.

She just shoot me a look that clearly said, “Get off my ass.”

I turned my back to them to peer at the surrounding area. We weren’t too far from the mid point but we still had a ways to go. I was a little unsure if we’d make it in time; the sun was already getting low in the sky and we were a good few miles off.

“Alright get up guys. We need to keep moving. The suns too low for comfort.” I said, turning back to look at them all.

Justin tucked his glock and stood smiling at me with an AK-47 in hand and a challenging look in his eyes. I gave a short laugh and took my pistol out of its holster; turning away and beginning our trek back to mid-point.

Hogie wasn’t holding up. We think something’s wrong with his heart. Justin’s now carrying him and it’s slowing us down. I’m now sure that were not going to make it to the mid-point before dark. It feels like a scratching in the back of my head; reminding me that I might die tonight. The hordes come out at night; mutated zombies that are able to attack in groups and their smart about it. The colony thinks that they’re evolving, developing normal human functions again.

The down side to that? They’re still keeping their animalistic hunger. So instead of them being empty shells, they’re going to become serial killers. Not much better I think.

Panting, Justin pulled Hogie up again; the big man tripping over his own feet.

“Taylor,” he grunted. “Were not going to make it.”

I looked back at him and swallowed and I knew he read the look in my eyes. He looked away from me, angry.

“You fucking knew this whole time. You knew we were doomed. So instead of building a barricade somewhere you led us deeper and left us with no time to do anything but sit open like ducks.”

I swallowed and looked back at the group. “I thought we could make it. We still can.” I said, determined to prove myself innocent.

“You know were not going too. The suns lower than the tree-line. We’re going to die here.”

“If you shut-up and keep moving we won’t. We have enough time to make it close enough to the gates to survive. We need to haul ass and keep our eyes open.”

He shook his head at me and gritted his teeth at the effort it took to pull Hogie up and forward. I jogged over to Hogie’s other side and pulled his other arm over my shoulder, supporting the other side and strained against his weight as we pulled him forward. It was only a bit of a faster pace with two people, but it was one less shot. Just because it was still light out doesn’t mean that an infected won’t show. They’res the stray ones every once and awhile that would come running out from the tree line.





09:52 Mar 11 2012
Times Read: 418

The ground was marked with blood. Circles and symbols etched in crimson bled across the ground. The full moon shown through the open doorway to the courtyard and the flowers bitter perfume wafted into the air like fairy dust. Fall had started working its way to the leaves, their crusty remains falling and scratching along the cobblestone. Three figures kneelt on their knees, forming a triangle inside the circular symbol. Their entire bodies were covered except for their hands, which were holding small bowls lifted to the moon overhead. Finally, they’re voices rang out in unison.

“By the power that flows through my veins, I beg that you awaken Princess Lee Fey. The goddess and her consort demand it. Take this offering as a small gesture that will promise much better treasures…AWAKEN!”

With a flick of their wrists they spilled the bowls contents across the corpse lying in the middle of the circle. At first nothing happened and then suddenly a dark mist filled the courtyard. It twisted around the bodies of the three casters and suddenly they began to shake, clawing at their throats. The brittle bones of the corpse grew strong and the empty cartilage filled. Slowly the body began to refill and form the shape of a young woman. The casters had enough time to glance upon her naked pale body before their souls were ripped out through their throat.

She sucked them in, breathing deeply; nostrils flaring. Her eyelids fluttered and then opened and a chilly wind whipped past her skin. She licked her rosy lips and starred at the three bodies lying motionless on the ground, their full capes flicking around them.

“It’s been so long since I’ve tasted souls…” She said, and even the sound of her own voice surprised her.



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