I am having "prophetic" dreams. They are strange, and usually very direct about their meaning..
1. Searching for Tasha. There was a feeling of longing to be with Tasha, yet I could not find her, and when I did, I was chastised.
REPRESENTING: The anger Stacy had when we stayed with Tasha overnight.
2. There were Macadamia nut cookies being eaten.
REPRESENTING: The lovers of the people of this body "consuming" their lover. ALSO, I woke up that morning, and the first thing I did was go in the kitchen, there JUST HAPPENED to be one!
3. A new person being with Austin.
A new person (Anthony) came. He does wish to meet Austin, for sexual reasons.
4. Lift your head up.
I told Lupa to lift her head up, since she was falling asleep...It really wouldn't have mattered if she had or not, I just had the urge to ttell her to sit up. The second she opened her eyes, she saw a new message pop up on the screen.
5. Aleja
Lupa asked where Aleja would be, I said that Lori was studying her...I do not know where I found that out from, I just knew it.
I believe there are more that I cannot remember.
If anyone can give tips on leveling up, or give an add, it would be greatly appreciated, and I would surely add you back. :)