Ok so These to users are like totally in love but neither of them sees it it's avbouse to me and my brother Heartbreaker2heartbroken. Were trying to make them forget everything and Be togehter.
They had a fight and stoped talking and now there talking again but he sounds like he wants to be friends with her. And she just wants to be with him... But at the same time It's avbouse he's in love with her.
She wont dare look at it that way she doesnt want to get hurt by him... she cares for him A LOT but just wont let herself love him...
They both come from heart ack in the last couple years. He was engaged and she was heart by people she loved alot... They both dont trust easily BUT STILL
21:07 Aug 05 2010
I agree with you Sis 100% EvilNewt JUST MAKE THE MOVE
21:11 Aug 05 2010
*tears up* he wont so stop... He doesnt love me ok........ He doesnt care like i do so plz stop and leave it.... *wishes it was true but knows it isn't. Heart starts to hurt a bit* You cant make him love me or make him be with me it has to come naturally from within him..... And it wont so plz stop < / 3 :'-(
17:46 Aug 06 2010
we wont sweety not until you and him are happy. :) He loves you so dont worry
18:50 Aug 07 2010
*just walks away sadder then ever..* Just stop plz
19:46 Aug 09 2010
I must say that i also want you to stop prying into our lives. Not to be a prick but this is me and Heart's situation and we can figue it out together without yall.
17:03 Aug 10 2010
*kisses EvilNewts cheek as i walk away* he's right plc just leave it it's between use. He's thinking and needs time and i'm giving him that.. Thats all you guys need to know... I love you to like family sence my brother propsed but you wont have a say in this.....
What happend to Sukhi.... Well whatever just give up.. It's between us...
17:59 Aug 10 2010
Just ask her to be your ALREADY! and then get into her pants!!! I've seen her naked *whisles*i'd go led for her.....
18:02 Aug 10 2010
And everyones knows i'd LOVE to make love to her...
But she wont have either of use...
18:03 Aug 10 2010
*turns DARK red* stop it you to.... He doesnt look at me that way.. *whispers somthing to self*
17:57 Aug 27 2010
he walked out again ok so stop im trying to move on
17:17 Aug 31 2010
He's an ass for walking out im going to rip his head off for what he did
19:27 Sep 06 2010
No youre just going to beat me and try to....... nvm
03:12 Sep 12 2010
can you guys stop messaging me about this... Ugh ok he's probably moved on and im trying to do the same. so LEAVE IT thank you... The1forU yes I hate him and yes i protect him and yes i love him but he doesnt want me so lets move on