Okay, well my spring break was not as good as I hoped it to be, but I had a good time all the while. On Wednesday I stayed the night at my girlfriends house, and had a blast. We basically goofed off, flew kites, and listened to music all night long. I had to go home early in the morning because her mum had to get a tan (don`t even get me started on fake tans!). On Saturday My dad came up from Indiana. I loved spending time with him seeing as I haven`t seen him since this christmas holiday. For the rest of the time I was at home reading books. Good enough for me. I didnt go to dairy queen like I wanted, but its all good. I can truthfully say I have gone OVER a year without dairy queen ice-cream. One thing that majorly sucked though was the weather. It snowed my first day of spring break...then it melted the snow and stayed warm for a few days, and then it snowed again....and repeated the process all break. Okay well that is all I will write on spring break, for there isnt truly much to tell. Audio!
Easter is coming up! Which means me stuck sitting in Kingdom Hell....Ooops hAll*...*devious smile*....while I hear people praising Jahovah. Grr But good news Ostara is coming up tomarrow! YAY! Of coarse It will only be a small celebration with myself, but Im phsyked none-the-less. Next year my mum is planning to get me a therapist. For that im not phsyked. No offense to any phsyciatrists or therapists or anyone of the like, but I would rather work my problems out on my own....or with a close friend. I may be open, but Im more closed than one would think. I wont be on the Rave during spring break =( but I will be back in a short 10 days time. Ill have to update my profile then.....for now I have some serious math. So I bid you all farewell!
Our purpose or goal should not be to obtain money, or power, but to obtain wisdom, and knowledge. This is why we have brains. To waste your life on money and worldly posessions is, in my point of view, completely and utterly retarded. We should only need what will allow us to survive. a good job or career would do just that. Never shy away from your duties as a human or being. We must learn now before it is too late. Sure we may foget things along the way but if more humans obtained knowledge, the world would literally be a better place. Vampyres and Supernaturals wouldnt fear us nor would we fear them. Death wouldnt be because of wars, but because of natural causes. Is that not what we should want? A place where you can be yourself without fear? Wisdom will allow that. Wisdom is the key to a better world. Not just from schools but from those who have experienced, those who are different from us. We must learn in order to live.