the breeze was so cold this morning as saveta took a step into the cold air...
the memories of the evening before still strong in her mind.....
saveta tried to focus biting her lips :focus damit" she thought she had things to do today but the memories of the astral visit was still firm in her mind.....
She rubbed her neck.... if it was a dream it was pretty bloody convincing she thought to herself...
Saveta ventured into the forest she had only 3 days till deadline for her article and yet shed done nothing.........
I just need to get one capture of the wolf in the forest that is it just one
she knew it was dangerous....... if he caught her shed be lunch but what a good story it would make
she could see the headlines now
"mountain wolf on the loose..." sighted by saveta bayana captured by saveta bayana....
the rules were very clear here wolves roamed at day vampires at night but she was hybrid half and half surely it would be safe.....
The forest was getting darker the further she ventured in and colder
she didn't remember the forest ever being this cold before....
Saveta caught a glimpse of a rare plant of my gosh
must photograph that she thought as a back up for her article if the wolf story fell through
she took a snap shot to feel at the same time a very distinctive cold breeze on her neck a tingle down her spine of a erotic nature ...........
she froze still to let what ever it was wash over her....
her groin ached and pulsated as she felt the wetness inbetween her very core....
what on earth she thought....
she turned around and then seen his eyes.............
to be continued...............smiles