I did not plan to return so quickly. Was supposed to tend to Frank and Katie. I ignored them way too long. The introduction of Jace was approaching...a beloved character of mine whom I've yet to write his entire story. His rise, his fall and now damnation...it's untold but lives on in my mind. Perhaps later in the morning, I will find time to tell your tale.
However, my mind is consumed with the thought of whether we are damned. Is that even possible? I feel pain, sorrow, longing for love but never comes to fruitition. I wallow in pain, feed off misery and inspiration erupts in devastation.
To semi steal a line from Dune...the sleeper is aware...I believe the line is "father, the sleeper has awoken." I cannot say I've awoken. I'm merely aware of new possibilities. I've taken my first steps but nothing has been fully realized yet. Where I go from here is unknown to me. It's in my nature to search for answers and to learn...I will, opening new doors and embark along new paths. There are no certains in life, only observations but those observations are not certain...we've only seen one of endless possibilities.
Ah...Why So Serious?...it infects my body, my mind...I must go now. A certain character awaits an unfortunate fate and I cannot keep him waiting.