So I decided that i would give this whole journal thing ago. I guess I can give a few more details about me.
I have 2 piercings in each ear. My left ear has gauges the size of 14 (i think) and the right ear is just normal. I usually wear dangles in my right ear. I plan on getting my ears pieced a few more times.
I have 1 tattoo. Its a sagittarus and leo symbol on my left ankle. Its a mother - daughter thing. I am a sagittarus and my mom is a leo, and she got a matching tattoo on her right ankle. I plan on getting a few more tattoos, including a back piece.
I have 3 dogs. A pitbull (Mary), Border Collie (Lady), and a Jack Russel Terrier (Jewel). Used to have horses but sold them all last year.
Ummm yeah. So i think this is a good first attemp lol.
00:26 Aug 05 2011
Not bad indeed I do so love Horses. I bet you really hate letting them go.