06:42 Feb 08 2006
Times Read: 560
1. do you like anyone?:
for all intents and purposes of this survey, sure
2. do they know it?:
I don't know, I'm a bit hard to read sometimes
4. Had someone buy you something?:
5. Bought something?:
of course
6. Gotten sick?:
....yes... damn it
7. Been hugged?:
yes, but not as often as I'd like.... (sniff)
8. Felt stupid?:
Who hasn't?!
9. Talked to an ex?:
yeah, I saw him the night I went to see Underworld: Evolution (he was sweeping up the theatre....)
10. Missed someone:
terribly so....
11. Failed a test:
horrifyingly enough
12. Ate cereal:
I can't say I have
13. Danced crazy:
yeah, I tend to do that sometimes, I sing while I'm washing dishes at work too....
14. Lied?
16. Any nervous habits?:
I don't know if you'd call it a nervous habit, more ADD, but I have to constantly be moving or thinking (sleeping gets a bit tough)
17. Are you double jointed?:
in some places
18. Can you roll your tongue?:
19. Can you raise one eyebrow?:
yeah, but not very well. Two is much easier
20. can you cross your eyes?
yeah, and roll them quite easily
21. Do you make your bed daily?:
hell no, that's the most pointless thing I've ever heard of
23. Said "I Love you" and meant it:
24. Given money to a homeless person?:
yeah and I don't even think #23 deserved a response appearantly
[where the hell is 25?]
26. Waited all night for a phone call that never came?: No, that's pathetic
27. Snuck out?:
28. Sat and looked at the stars?:
countless times
29. Do you swear?:
like a sailor
30. Do you ever spit?:
31. You cook your own food?:
once in a while, my personal chef usually hops to it whenever the fuck I feel like food though.... NOT! of course I do! Ramen noodles DOES count!
32. You do your own chores?:
I wouldn't call them chores... but sure
33. You like beef jerky?:
mmmm yes
34. You like pepsi or coke?:
35. You're happy with your hair?:
no, I need to dye it!
36. You own a dog?:
No, and won't unless it's a husky
37. You spend your money wisely?:
I have to. No money saved=no wedding
38. Do you like to swim?:
not especially
39. Get bored when you call a friend?:
? huh?
40. Are you patient?:
I can be
41. flowers or chocolate:
42. gray or black?:
43. Color or black and white photos?:
Color for the most part
44. lust or love?:
Love, lust fades faster
45. sunrise or sunset?:
46. M&Ms or Skittles?:
1. Are you in a relationship?
Yes, a very committed one
2. If so, who with?
Nicholas (Justonemorebite)
3. Sign?
Virgo (I fit my sign so well it's scary sometimes)
4. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Yes, I'm in it
5. what about true love?
6. Have you made out with casual people? [people casually, I'm assuming] Yes, back in my whore-ier days (yes I'm shakespeare too dammit!)
7. Would you kiss on the first date?
I have
8. Do you look for one night stands?
I would never do such a thing, that's degrading
9. Do you enjoy receiving flowers?
yes, especially when there are 13 red roses, and are accompanied by a note saying "I will love you until the last rose dies", and one of them is a fake one.....
10. Do you enjoy gifts from your girl/guy:
for the most part.... I used to hate gifts from anyone (psychological issues due to my parents stance on this)
1. you have a valentine planned out to have?
? some of these questions are worded so terribly I can't even comprehend them
2. do you like having a valentine?
Yes, there's a first for everything!
3. does someone like you currently?
I hope so
4. are you even worried about the upcoming holiday? No
5. whats the best gift to recieve on v-day?
I don't know, I haven't got it yet
6. Is a little kiss (peck on cheek) during school on vday sweet? I'm sure it would be so long as the person giving it didn't make me want to gauge my eyes out
7. why is this an important holiday to couples?
So someone can get sex for a tiny expression of feeling (that is sometimes false)
8. have you ever gotten something from someone on v-day?