Only got about three hours sleep last night. I was on VR till 1am then once I got to bed all I did was toss and turn.
Last night was the night of drama. Lots of messages flooded my inbox and I couldn't get away from that to sleep. Sighs when a website is more important then sleeping, something is wrong somewhere.
Date Visits Time Spent
01-26-11 166 32 minutes, 48 seconds.
01-25-11 31 7 minutes, 28 seconds.
01-24-11 409 26 minutes, 41 seconds.
01-23-11 865 57 minutes, 20 seconds.
01-22-11 44 11 minutes, 4 seconds.
01-21-11 299 1 hour, 43 minutes, 33 seconds.
01-20-11 234 2 hours, 8 minutes, 41 seconds.
01-19-11 132 42 minutes, 46 seconds.
Wants the warm weather, a hammock on the beach or a lake and some fishing poles :)
Nothing like being take to the hospital in a ambulance. Man i feel like shit.
wow; hope you feel better. :/
Damn, i hope your ok.
Wad happened tainty? You alright?
I hope you're going to be ok..
Huggs hun feel better...:(
I am glad you are ok.
*hugs you* I hope everything is okay sweetie.
**Hugs** you, hope you are ok.. but wish you would have said what happened...We shall say a prayer for you..whatever it is. we would bow our heads and think of you..
happy happy happy :)
Anytime i feel like i am white trash i go to walmart look at people and feel like i am high class. Just sayin...
Hey i go to walmart all the time.. W
dammit didnt get to finish..
i go to walmart all the time wonders if you seen me**i knew i should have come out late at nite** lmfao
Wal-Mart rocks dude!!! :P don't have to go to Wal-mart..hell just go to omg its freaking awesome
It must be a Southern thing.
yep, listen to's FILARIOUS~!!!!!
I no longer have the desire like I did to log onto this site. I hope its just a phase I am going through.
It happens to us all I think. I have to take a month are two off every couple years myself.
I go through those phases too :S
I do as well. It gets to the point where you don't want to even log in to check messages, but you know you have to. So what I do is every few days I take five minutes, log in and check messages, then log out for a few more days until I feel like coming back. Whatever name I am on, I know all I have to do is tell people I need time away from the site, they understand and handle things while I am gone.
Yes sometimes it is just needed.
I went through that phase too!
I've been there, likely it will pass.
we all get like this from time to time and its part of life not just for the being of this site but the being of the things that surround us.. Just dont give up and keep looking forward..
I hope it's a phase hun. *hugs*
Never ask permission, but always be humble enough to ask for forgiveness. Some of the things you do in life may be wrong, but you will always be respected more for trying then asking every time you want to take a step. Stand Tall and be the leader you are, not the blind follower. xoxo ♥♥♥
Been sick all this week and still not well. Is it ever gonna end?
oh poor you. Hope you will get better soon @};-
If you have the flu that I had the Doctor said 7 to 10 days to run its course baby.
So many people from everywhere are getting sick, bad sick, and it's sticking around....I had walking pneumonia for 2 weeks, then got a sinus infection for another 3. Probably TMI, but I'm still a little snotty.
Feel better!! :)
12:26 Jan 28 2011
This isn't good. I agree with you. *hugs*
13:51 Jan 28 2011
I haz an ideer .... lets all burn the place down :D
15:41 Jan 28 2011
I know how you feel All I did was think about it and what happened so I got up this morning and let it fly in a journal entry