TaintedInsanity's Journal

TaintedInsanity's Journal


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4 entries this month


The Pursuit of Happiness

14:00 May 13 2018
Times Read: 535

Everybody pursues some kind of happiness, or happiness in some form. Without this pursuit of happiness, life would be meaningless.

People usually have one or two main goals for their happiness, and they are certain that, once achieved, these goals will provide the ultimate happiness for them.

Humans have but 2 problems when it comes to happiness:

They can not be satisfied with their current situation

They always strive to achieve a goal, to provide more happiness

This leaves most humans in the state of some degree of depression most of the time.

Of course, there are events when pure happiness is achieved for a human, such times as during their wedding, getting a promotion or raise, or when becoming a parent.

But besides these times, most humans will never feel completely satisfied with what themselves. Always, they will have something to strive for, something they want.

Personally I try to enjoy every moment of my life, by really noticing and appreciating what I have at the present moment. My girlfriend, my friends, my hobbies and all the things that makes me happy. But above all, I appreciate and treasure my life. Being alive.

Most humans make the mistake of taking this for granted, and only if they lose someone close to them, they will (temporarily) wake up, and realise that life is not something to take for granted.

Therefore, treasure your life, embrace it, live it and preserve it.




Victims and Martyrs

15:35 May 12 2018
Times Read: 557

First a clarification. By martyr, I don't mean the religious martyrs who sacrifice their life in the name of a non-existent god, to live in a non-existent paradise. What I mean, I will get to later.

Victims are people who suffer from harm brought upon them. This falls into many categories, including rape victims, assault victims or murder victims. The harm can of course also be of a non-physical character, as in mental or emotional victims. People who are emotionally abused by their peers, friends or family, are emotional victims and people suffering from mental illness are mental victims.

These people face problems other people don't (unless they are murder victims. They don't face anything at all). Problems the inhibit them from doing certain things. Physical illness or pain can hinder someone from participating in certain sports and other activities, as can mental illness.

However, there are those that takes advantage of this. There are those who exploit their illness to get help from others. These are the martyrs I refer to. The people who suffer from for example back pain, and then exploits this condition so that they can escape doing certain things that they don't want to. They tell everybody how bad they feel, and how much they are in pain, yet, they will not do anything to prevent it. That would ruin their opportunity to use other people to do their dirty work. And if they, for some reason, are forced to do something about their pain, they are certain to announce it to everybody, so others will feel bad about the martyr, but also, about themselves. This is what martyrs do for revenge. The quiet moaning and sighing for not being helped but actually having to do something themselves.

I have encountered quite a number of martyrs, and currently I am in contact with them quite often. My advice in dealing with these people is simply to ignore them, while recognising them for what they are. Hypocrites and frauds who simply want your attention, compassion and your will. They want to unrightfully enslave you and use you, because they feel "so much pain and agony".

They are weak, sick and hopeless!

But they are not the worst. The real martyrs are those with no illness or malfunction to exploit. Those are the real scum of society. Those who prey upon others, with no reason to.

Predators in nature don't kill for fun. They kill for food, and that is the nature of things, and that is how it is supposed to be, and nobody argues that. Should they then start killing for fun, in larger scales, that would cause quite a ruckuss, I can imagine.

That is what the real martyrs do. They kill for fun. They exploit a non-existent condition in order to be able to watch more television, while other mow their lawn, does their laundry and takes care of them. They make up conditions in order to avoid situations that is just the slightest uncomfortable.

It's much like the child who fakes a sickness in order to stay home from school.

They are also the people who can't take a look at the description of the medicine they take without feeling the side-effects the same evening or just a couple of hours later. Some of it is psychological, but it is also they lack of ability to resist seizing an opportunity to make people do things for them and feeling bad for them.

When they end up in an uncomfortable situation, they make sure to tell the world and every man how horrible it was, and they use the unpleasantness they feel, to avoid any other unpleasant situations in the upcoming future.

To further accelerate their martyrdom they will make sure that everybody knows how much they envy people, who does not suffer from their non-existing condition.

The handicapped who has lost his legs, will of course envy those able to walk, but he doesn't tell everybody about it, unless directly asked. This is what separates the martyrs from the victims. The need to tell everyone about their unfortunate situation, and the exploitation to avoid uncomfortable situations. It's despicable.

Confronted with such an accusation, they would, of course, not admit anything.

Therefore, the only thing to do is to avoid them, and if that is not possible, avoid letting them exploit you.



16:23 May 12 2018

It's sicking that people take advantage of others like handicap people, people with learning disabilities or those with low esteem issues. Then when a person with disabilities or self esteem issues fights back it's there fault.

16:27 May 12 2018

This happens all the time in society, and even on here, people are just out to hurt and belittle whom they can, they get pleasure and it makes them feel better, they do not think of the long term damage they have done or inflicted on the victim.


11:49 May 08 2018
Times Read: 563

I hate everyone that I meet
But I'm getting better
Think before I speak because I
I know I've got a temper

Think I've blown a fuse
There's blood on my knuckles
The smile on my face is fake
And the vein on my head suggests you get running

I've had enough, had enough
Had enough, had enough yeah
Cause I've had enough
I Think I'm reaching the limit
You should keep your distance
Cause I've had enough

Take a deep breath and count to three
And then I'll be behavin'
I feel like people just don't get me
Maybe I'm crazy

Think I've blown a fuse
There's blood on my knuckles
The smile on my face is fake
And the vein on my head suggests you get running

I've had enough, had enough
Had enough, had enough yeah
Cause I've had enough
I Think I'm reaching the limit
You should keep your distance
Cause I've had enough

Well I guess it could be me
Quite possibly
I might be scared or insecure
I have been to hell before, the blame ain't yours
But the vein on my head suggests you get running

Had enough, had enough yeah
Cause I've had enough
I Think I'm reaching the limit
You should keep your distance
Cause I've had enough.




00:56 May 08 2018
Times Read: 598

How can you be so narrow-minded?
Have you ever even tried to understand the thing's you say?
It's a shame and while you're acting like a child
Things will never be the same, you'll just watch me walk
away, yeah

I will not take the fall
You can't take it from me

No one is gonna, no one is gonna break me down
Cause I'm already broken

I run away from all the pieces
You still try to make me feel like I will never be enough
You can see, but you will never get the picture
And I think that you're afraid that I might be the bigger man

I will not take the fall
You can't take it from me

No one is gonna, no one is gonna break me down
Cause I'm already broken
So many reasons, so many ways to hit the ground
And I'm already broken DOWN!


No one is gonna, no one is gonna break me down

No one is gonna, no one is gonna break me down (No one
is gonna, no one is gonna break me down)
Cause I'm already broken
So many reasons, so many ways to hit the ground (No one
is gonna, no one is gonna break me down)
And I'm already broken DOWN!



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