About to head of to the Houston's Art Car Parade in Downtown.
Forgot what it's like having my nephew sleep with me and how much body heat he puts out. I'm always cold so I always sleep with blankets year round, but with him in my bed I don't have to. And the reason he's in my bed is because we're babysitting one of his friends during the week and this is a one bedroom apartment.
Man I'm so craving tacos from Jack in the Box with extra hot sauce..I could so eat about 10 of them I'm so hungry..wish I had about 5 dollars so I could get them..
I am starving as well! LOL
You know that it isn't really meat right? It's Soy based protein. And when they had the monster taco, it was 50% meat 50% soy. and they put a slice of american in it...god I don't miss working there.
23:23 May 11 2013
Hope you have a good day down there!