I just love people who don't know someone in real life seem to know everything about that person from what they hear from others who have never met that person either. I have been told by a few to stay away from a certain person on here, that she causes all sorts of drama, she's a bad person and a horrible friend. Ever think that maybe she's that way cause you pissed her off or did something to her for her to be that way? You don't know her personally to even start assuming things. So til you have actually met someone on here, kept your mouth shut about them. And don't tell me who to be friends with, I'm a grown woman I'll be friends with whoever I want to be friends with. And if I start to see them acting shady, I'll end it. And they won't be able to use anything against me as "blackmail" cause I don't spill any kind of beans about myself..all they will be able to do is rate me a 1(WHICH I LOVE), block me(WHICH I DON'T CARE ABOUT) and give me negative honor(WHICH I DON'T CARE ABOUT EITHER).
-end rant and steps off soap box-
Anyway..good morning y'all hope that y'all have a good day/night. :)
20:46 Apr 28 2013
21:10 Apr 28 2013
It happens even in the real life, people assume things or they know you for some months, n talk about you like they've been knowing you for years and spread lies about you.
Always listen to advices, but trust only your mind n intuition.