Containment is the key to growing in Knowledge.
It is the way of life, to become a great person.
Things never change, people do though.
Going through different actions with each new sun.
Looking into the past to prepare for the future.
If you do not yield to expression, then you may lose what people claim you to be.
For it is what people think of you that really matters in a world such as ours.
No longer does self confidence have any value of its own.
Nor morals, writers, or traditions.
Machinery has taken over, human souls are no more.
That is why Knowledge is important, if it had weight, it would be worth more than gold pound for pound.
Knowledge is power, power gives way to domination, domination gave way to the destruction of man.
Containment is the key to growing in Knowledge.
Some of the smartest people were those who knew when to stop learning.
So lock away your Knowledge, in hope to save us all.
You remember that day. When it rained and you nearly died. The butterfly was the cause.
You sit alone one night, on your bed. You hear thunder in the distance. Then you hear the rain fall.
You think to yourself. "will it finish the job this time? Will any one miss me if it does?"
Suddenly you feel the pain you never forgot. You sit motionless for hours. Breathing less and less as the last moment fades and a new begins.
A tear starts to fall from your eye. The beast withen cries out. Yes, it has a voice. It ask you what is wrong. You reply, "I am in pain from your feast on my soul."
He is confused about why you are hurt. Movement is upon you once again. You clasp your heart. His needle like mouth unplunges itself from you.
He explains his actions. Saying he had no intention of murder. At that time the rain stops, he bids a fair well... until next you meet.
Look outside, see the torturess rain.
You felt pain, do not comprehend nor do you try to engage in thought.
Left broken, brain shattered and torn.
Eyes open, no new memories.
Why? You did not ask.
Yet you might know the answer.
You snap out of it.
Breath is back in you now.
Rain is no more.
Stop, think, realization has occured.
You know now what happened.
See outside. a monarch or is it a demon?
You know, you must warn others.
When the clouds approach and gather molecules of water.
These butterflies go to a safe haven.
You wrote down...
They travel to hide in your soul, your being.
They feed off you and would not stop,
But... then the rain goes away.
Living for the butterfly, means death for you.
Does this creature, this... this demon, does it care?
Nay, it feeds just to stay out of the rain.
Once butterflies were angelic creatures,
Now the butterfly is a creature of death.
To think, almost lost your soul to something so fragile.
Why has this happened?
That is a question no one really knows.
The thoughts of yesterday are only a memory today.
You try to bring them to reality,
but in all you have only hurt yourself.
Think before you act.
Listen to those who have fallen from mistakes.
Take warnings as if you were on your last breath.
Time is only a distortion of this realm.
You have an eternity to fix your mistakes.
Living is a time for fun.
Playgrounds are for business.
Watch not your back, but the backs of those behind you.
For they might turn on you if you do not help them.
Learn from this, or learn not at all.
Look into my eyes. If you see fear, look a little deeper.
You will see strength, but you will also see hate.
I wonder why I am here, and I find no answer to my qestion.
I am not perfect, nor are you.
I am just trying to get away from all the pain in my life.
If I could only find the happiness I once had......
To live the way before the torture began.
There is no way that will be.
For if you make just one mistake,
you are bound to make another and another and another.....
You see what I have told you, you know it to be true.
I live the way I do not want,
for if I did it would not be living at all.
Now you know me, or so you think.
Do not ask why, just let me be me......
You stop to think, no emotions, only the will to live is in
The time to push on has past, yet you do not give up.
It is the way, the path to happiness.
You are almost there.
Why let one skipping of your heart stop you?
The clue is no where.....
What is Thunder without Lightning?
Nothing… nothing I say.
They are yin and yang, one creates the other and that one, sometimes is the only clue of its creator.
For if we had Thunder without Lightning, I think it would be more fearsome.
Stop and think, you hear rumbling but yet you have not seen such as a flicker in the sky.
No light, only sound and the rain.
Not unlike the tear under your eye.
You sit by the window, watching… waiting.
Maybe the Brother of Thunder will appear.
Nay, hours have past and the only thing changed is that the storm is now above you.
Louder and louder, it is close as it gets.
You scream, the rain stops.
Now there is only Thunder, it has a voice.
It is crying, crying from its loss.
Thunder says… “You killed my Brother, Lightning…”
I am on the brink of finding the truth.
Looking in new places as well as old.
I feel my mind has almost solved the puzzle.
Reality seems to be unraveled, like yarn being pulled from a shirt.
I think, but more than thoughts are produced.
Senses are toys of the brain, such as arms are instruments of the body.
When I touch, I learn.
When I see, I forget.
Blindness is over me, growing stronger in other areas.
What if I gain too much?
Could I lose My Mind?
This would make me find new ways to live, although it will take more than a lifetime to adhere.
I saw to truth once, from the stars to Earth it expanded.
It was soft as silk, heavy as lead;
Short as this poem, took many moons to read.
It is never done.
So I write down what I think.
Theses words are from my mind, I have not a clue how they got there.
I know the place they will settle.
If knowledge were power, these thoughts could make a God out of a mouse.
Though I do not try, for if I did…
Time would stand still, leaving coldness where the resting place of warmth once was.
Look at the truth, hold it close.
No telling when that will be lost, as were my soul and your thoughts.
If you were to ask, I would tell.
This Earth we live on, was once Hell.
A prison for those like me.
Writing of nonsense and theories.
Legend has told of a prophet.
You know what I think?
I am more than just a PoEt.