We went for our evening walk. Normally a very pleasant walk that I looked forward to ever night, Because I really enjoyed the company of my dear friend .. tonight All I wanted to do was get home. Empathy really sucks when you get around others that are in bad moods when you weren't in such a good mood to begin with it just makes it that much worse ,,
During conversation I mentioned how much I missed my cousin and how close she and I were. We were always there for one another. My friend comes out and says "Nobody is ever there for me and I wont let them because there is always an ulterior motive." I felt as though she had slapped me in the face. All this time I thought I was being there for her because I loved her . . It really hurt my feelings
Last night my friend and I took her 11 year old daughter with us on our nightly walk. We were yelled at several times as normal. Over all it was a enjoyable walk until we were about a block from the house. Some jerk threw a lit fire cracker at us from a blue pick up truck and sped off!! When it exploded it burned the back of my leg and my friends daughter's elbow. We were so shocked and angry at this despicable act. What is wrong with the people in this town? I have lived all over the world and never seen so many disrespectful and rude people congregated in one town in my life. Is there something in the water here that cause the asshole gene to be be enlarged to a obese size? What kind of idiot automatically assumes that two women and an 11 year old must be whores because they are walking instead of being lazy?
Tonight we were called whores or barked at 3 times. Funny thing is I have yet to see an actual prostitute in this town. What's sad is we have been verbally abused so much simply because we walk at night that when some guy yelled out his window that he thought we were beautiful I gave him the bird out of pure reflex. lol
I guess I have gotten to the point that my mind thinks anything yelled from a car must be bad. It's dark and these people can't even see who they are yelling at. Be funny when they do it to the wrong pedestrian and that person isn't nearly as forgiving as we are. Or winds up being one of their family.
I love my friend and her daughter a great deal and that's what keeps me here, but I am really starting to hate this town.
Here is a video I found that shows the mentality of people who do this kind of thing.
Do you think they look as stupid as I do?