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I so wanted to reach into the screen and choke some people.. Well FOX news I never really liked you before but now I boycot all your news programs and television shows..
From all my worldly travels "Not just because i pretty much hate the USA" I have learned that 90 percent of american news is lies guided by a government to sway people into being complacent and believe that their country is the best in the world and to make them fear traveling. Ive had people in the US tell me stuff that was supposedly going on in a country I was living in according to their news and I was going "well thats funny cause none here knows anything about it.. lmao
As a proud Wiccan, I feel completely disrespected, offended and insulted by Fox News (which I have come to refer to as "Faux News). These "reporters" know virtually NOTHING about what they speak, when it comes to Wicca and our Sabbats. Fox spews consistent ignorance and hate for ANYTHING that isn't Christian and/or Conservative, and it's been this way since their inception as a network. Yet their catch-phrase is "Fair and Balanced", nothing could be further from the truth. This latest offensive report against "alternative religions" (and yes, there have been many others) is indicative of their hateful policy of ridiculing anything that isn't "mainstream" Christian. Remind me...this is America...and do we still have the freedom to worship (or NOT worship) any deity we choose, or to follow non-traditional spiritual paths...WITHOUT the snarky criticism, insults, and name-calling of close-minded journalists?
I didn't even watch the second one. Seeing this just misses me off. Suppose they have nothing better to do than bash wiccans/pagans to make them feel better about their self. People are so stupid now and days
This pissed me off.. and all I will say is this.. they sat there and bashed us and poked fun at incense and all sorts of unacceptable remarks.. but it made them look ignorant.. and they were sadly misinformed.. of what being Wiccan is about.. and the fact they dont know any Wiccans doesnt mean shit.. I guess it was all fun and games to sit there and have a fun day before America and make asses of themselves.. People fear what they dont understand.. and I will agree its a bit much to get 10 Holidays off.. but its still OUR days.. weather they like it or not.. and KARMA is a bitch.. no matter religion you follow.. Blessed Be
The media lies for one, and you can not believe everything you hear and especially about the news people, and reporters they tend to stretch the truth,
07:04 Feb 19 2013
Wow....Quick...Grab the Athames....
I feel a Shanking coming on...
07:15 Feb 19 2013
I so wanted to reach into the screen and choke some people.. Well FOX news I never really liked you before but now I boycot all your news programs and television shows..
07:42 Feb 19 2013
I wonder who follows the fox news, they are the same ones who said that looking at breasts will make you healthier.
07:44 Feb 19 2013
It might not make you healthier but some would make you sick lmao
07:58 Feb 19 2013
Lol anytime I see 'crappy news' it always or almost always comes from the fox. In my foreign eyes they look like some parody/ critisizing news.
08:28 Feb 19 2013
From all my worldly travels "Not just because i pretty much hate the USA" I have learned that 90 percent of american news is lies guided by a government to sway people into being complacent and believe that their country is the best in the world and to make them fear traveling. Ive had people in the US tell me stuff that was supposedly going on in a country I was living in according to their news and I was going "well thats funny cause none here knows anything about it.. lmao
10:18 Feb 19 2013
Lol that indeed is funny.
17:00 Feb 19 2013
I am so horrified!!!
17:34 Feb 19 2013
As a proud Wiccan, I feel completely disrespected, offended and insulted by Fox News (which I have come to refer to as "Faux News). These "reporters" know virtually NOTHING about what they speak, when it comes to Wicca and our Sabbats. Fox spews consistent ignorance and hate for ANYTHING that isn't Christian and/or Conservative, and it's been this way since their inception as a network. Yet their catch-phrase is "Fair and Balanced", nothing could be further from the truth. This latest offensive report against "alternative religions" (and yes, there have been many others) is indicative of their hateful policy of ridiculing anything that isn't "mainstream" Christian. Remind me...this is America...and do we still have the freedom to worship (or NOT worship) any deity we choose, or to follow non-traditional spiritual paths...WITHOUT the snarky criticism, insults, and name-calling of close-minded journalists?
00:40 Feb 20 2013
I agree completely
03:20 Feb 23 2013
I didn't even watch the second one. Seeing this just misses me off. Suppose they have nothing better to do than bash wiccans/pagans to make them feel better about their self. People are so stupid now and days
07:28 Feb 25 2013
This pissed me off.. and all I will say is this.. they sat there and bashed us and poked fun at incense and all sorts of unacceptable remarks.. but it made them look ignorant.. and they were sadly misinformed.. of what being Wiccan is about.. and the fact they dont know any Wiccans doesnt mean shit.. I guess it was all fun and games to sit there and have a fun day before America and make asses of themselves.. People fear what they dont understand.. and I will agree its a bit much to get 10 Holidays off.. but its still OUR days.. weather they like it or not.. and KARMA is a bitch.. no matter religion you follow.. Blessed Be
01:41 Feb 26 2013
VR needs a like button
04:21 Mar 05 2013
Being a proud Wiccan I find that most disrespectfull for any wiccan or witch,
It is so un called for I hate the news I dont watch it much
06:25 Mar 21 2013
The media lies for one, and you can not believe everything you hear and especially about the news people, and reporters they tend to stretch the truth,
Hey sylivia talk to me message me