My tickets are booked for England...if all goes smoothly i'll get on the 9 AM flight. Arriving aaaaaaaaaaaaaat 9 20 pm....BOOYA!
I'm so very hyper today!!!
Sorry......*sigh* i should be sleeping, or at least going over everything ive been up to this past little while...the ups and downs and all arounds, as it were.
Yea.....i'll write more when Marky mark isnt on the phone with me :P
...ok so its not the best job in the world but whatever.
After all the shit laying smack down on me, things may have a bit of light on them.
We'll see how this weekend plays out b4 we get our hopes up....
Its just one thing after the other. I cant deal with all this bullshit on my own. Why does everything always have to fuckin happen all at once? Why?!?!
God damn mother fucking bullshit.
Thing's never go the way you plan. I mean, this isn't new to me, or anyone else for that matter. Still every time things get tossed around, or thrown in my face, i stumble. Because i forget.
God, what do i have to do to make things better?
Do i have to give in and surrendor? Maybe let thigns be, run their course yada yada yada.
I feel like the air around me is closing in on me, compacting around my body. It's causng my lack of focus, my confusion and complete lack of emotional stability.
No, it's all in my head.
*sigh* I want to give up.
....Stubborness is my enemy...and my best friend.
I havnt written anything here, or even been on VR much as of late.
There are reasons...
I am extremely hyper at this moment in time.
To an extreme degree
~Justl let yourself go, baby let me do you some more, let me work your body down low, let me do it like way oh way way oh! You know i love to take it down low, you got me jumping like Way oh way oh!~
or something to that extent :)
Im in the dancing mood. I was jamming to music but then aaron came home and wanted to sleep So :(
Yes, it has been a good day. One more trip to the liqour store to drop off the empties ad sweep out the garage and it'll be decent looking LoL.
I feel like writing....but only once im done dancing lol which i am not :)
Even thought the GTA (Greater Toronto area) isnt small..not by a long shot. The cities/towns within it seem to be.
for example. In MDV i see the same people whenever i go for my walks. i see the new and old staff at every store local to where i live. Even the animals are recognizable.
there is a grey and black squirrel on my block that i see every time i leave my house. There i also a squirrel, with two broken hind legs, that hasn't died yet. And this amazes me.
right on the other side of my street is a fairly busy road (winston Churchill) he hasnt been kit and killed or picked off by one of the many cats around our area, completely amazes me.
There is oen bad ass squirrel on our street. My next door neighbours put out traps to catch the rabbits in our area as we are over populated it seems.
But the grey/black squirrel....decided to take the food and got trapped....a few hours later i came back and found that he had gotten into cage match with another squirrel who had come in to join him....The grey/black one had won.
Yes i did just write an entire post on squirrels.
I'll know by Friday this week. perhaps start training next monday. Which means the trip i was planning may not be able to happen until later on.
As for my youngest love, i am still figuring out what to do. Well, she is making the decision. It's a tough one, especially for what it details. I understand what she is going through.
I just wish she didnt have to make a decision such as this.
I have an interview this afternoon. I am extremely nervous. I so want this job, its exactly what i have been looking for financially.
I look the part, except perhaps for the lip ring. I am proffessional, and usually come off as charming.
My neck hurts. To the degree that i cannot turn my head to the right. I must have slept on it wrong. Though there are bruises on my left shoulder? Odd.
I did dream a lot last night, but i know i didnt do a lot of moving around in my sleep. Ah yes now i remember.
Earlier on during the day i had been wrestling with my neighbours kids. That's more then likely the origin of the bruise.
Puppy has gotten used to strangers coming in and out of my house and tonight may be the first night i get the place to myself in about 2 weeks.
I won't do anything with this leisure except maybe turn the music on and dance LoL
in my short shorts? O_o
~Nothing can hold you back now~
What has been going on with me as of late?
I've been busy. Very busy.
I had so many things to say but *shrugs* not anymore.
I feel like i dont need to. Finally i have managed to find peace in sitting still and in silence.
I havnt really been doing anything of importance the last week. So back to work this week.
I've been sitting alone on VR a lot recently. I havn't even taking more then a 5 second look into my Covens.
I guess im just content curled up in the corner for a little bit watching people as they go.
I wonder why people add you to their fav journal lists but next to never read your journal....Stabb and felix added mine within a week of being here and yet, have read it maybe twice....*shrugs* to each their own.
I have a new story idea. it is actually one of my first that doesnt have a Night creature/"dark" fantasy theme to it.
Real life drama.
It works.
Now, if i end up writing it? thats a completely different story.
the chill of my room touches me as i awake from my day dream. The sun is out but i can't tell. A light breeze comes through my open window, reminding me of past days at the sea side. Oh how i revel in the past.
My dream land is my sea side at present. I'll lay like a corpse, or a meditating priest and just think.
My muscles whine as i lift myself, my mind sighs quietly and dies again. I do not want to wake, not completely, not at all.
I'm in a stupor of relaxation and dreams, but duty, as always, calls out the loudest.