I dont really get it...
You talk to someone, you think they are a teenager. They arent..No, they are almost thirty.
It doesnt matter how old you are, if you act younger then me... No chance.
I was cruising aorund profiles and landed on a few where, judging by the 1. Writing 2. Layout 3. Language and 4. the pictures and choice of graphics, that the person was a teenager...
Nope, thirty or so...
Weird. Just i mean really...
So...today didn't go even close to the way it was planned.
I had planned on going to work. But my cell phone decided it was going to go off 3 days from this morning.
So needless to say, i woke up and showered and as im gettin dressed Dean comes to my door...
"Dude you're supposed to be at work."
......The word 'duh' comes to mind.
I half dressed in my uniform already, and pissed off...already.
Im so not a morning person even if things do go well.
So i get ready and he tells me he'll drive me, luckily on the way i receive a lecture.
Oh joy.
Because i listened to my own mother when she had something to say to me.... Jack ass....Who the fuck do you think you are???
I didnt go to work.
I had an episode.
So, i caught the first bus out of MDV and just drove around until i ended up at sq1...until i finally relaxed and came to my senses.
Then, went home....and found out he'd told the MDV security i had gone missing, and told my sisters (Who are in two diff countries who can do ANYTHIGN if i go missing) that ive gone missing...So now, this spreads to my friends and family...
Way to be covert about not being totally mentally with it this morning...
Fucking guy....We....are finished. You were never like abrother to me...more liek an over bearing, self righteous, peice of shit who thinks his balls are bigger then rambo's and he can preach to whoever the fuck he wants.
Screw you and grow up.
Draaaaained. It was a good long shift and well worth the money but jeeeezuz, im beat.
Wanna do something with other people but friggin cell phone :@ Grr...
Im so going to hell...
...theres a spot right between Hitler and Judas eh??? Sweeeeet.
That's talent ;)
my disatisfaction comes from the lack of creativity and ability to write anything that takes more then a singular dumbfounded braincell to create... yours is guys with no shirt working out....
Lmao...and Im not a lesbian either!!!
i didn't say anything.......
you braught it up however... coincidence =P
~ My tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why i got out of bed at all. The morning rain clouds up my window and i cant see at all, and even if i could it would all be grey but your picture on my wall, it reminds me that it's not so bad, its not so bad~
Tired but good. Had a proper meal today for the first time in a bit. No work tomorrow but have to go to the post office, clean up a bit at home and other then that nothing to do YaY LoL
Should do some writing :)
22:28 Mar 22 2008
Well, they do say age is just a number lol