Tomorrow i have a new year party i am hosting. It is going to be dull
I am in desperate need of $52.00 I hope HP dont get mad that I am late in payment of my mooring fees
I cannot wait for the first of the year. I feel that this year will be monumental for me. I am excited for the opportunities coming up. More to come later.
Today an annoying Piss ant tried to treat me like I was a pos. I hope i wont have to teach him a lesson about our kind. But if I do have to I will.. He will learn about the True power of the Kindred.
Thank the God and Goddess that Christmas is over. I had to suffer through several "religious" services. I cannot wait till Imbolc. and tomorrow is my sobriety birthday. I will have 30 days clean.
Christmas will suck this year for i have to wear a sling. I tore a muscle in my shoulder.
Today is the last day of clear weather. Tomorrow rain and wind move in so I don't know when I will be able to update again.. If I can I will update asap.
I recently contacted some old friends and they will be traveling to see me in march or April. They are seeking my help on an old topic of the utmost importance to the kindred. Never has this place that I am at seen 2 pure bloods of our kind and age ever
Last night I was attacked by several fallen soldiers. The attack was brutal but I was able to repel the attacks and defeat a number of them. I must take time to regenerate and feed.