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The Book Of Dreaming From the Oral Tradition With modern commentary for the Outer Temple.

17:39 Jul 14 2010
Times Read: 516

The Shurpu Kishpu is the ancient oral book of the Teachings of the Hekal Tiamat, the Temple of the Vampire Dragon. The terse sutras or Words of Power were commonly memorised and then expanded in oral instruction from experienced teachers in the Great Vampire Family. Herein are contained the essential elements comprising the Mysteries of the Priesthood of UR. To the uninitiated, the unprepared and the un-Sponsored these "open secrets" remain closed to authentic understanding and realisation. Here is the most ancient description of the Bridge between the Worlds. Read, learn, realise and attain! The Dream Life Is The Only Life. The dream body and the astral body are one. The astral body lives within the living flesh body. The astral body animates the flesh body. What you call your life is this astral body. The Dream Death Is The Only Death. When the astral body completely separates from the flesh body this is physical death. After physical death, the astral lives on for a time until the second death when the astral also dies. The Sleeper Is Born To Die. The mortal is he who physically dies and then allows the astral body to also starve and die. The mortal is "asleep" to the possibility for immortality. The Dreamer Is Born To Live. The Vampire is he who learns the art of taking the lifeforce from the bodies of others to avoid the second death and live on as an Immortal Being. The Vampire dreams of the possibilities of life everlasting. The Blood Is The Life. The Vampire need not drink the physical blood of the living but takes the transmuted lifeforce which is the Blood itself to perpetuate life. The Dream Is Made Flesh. The Vampire can make the astral body solid to the touch of flesh humans by taking enough lifeforce. Yet the Vampire retains the qualities of the astral body. The Dream Is In The Flesh. The astral body is composed of a more refined form of matter and is not within the visible light spectrum. Hence the Vampire is unseen to the eye, the mirror, or the camera. The form of the astral Vampire is visible to the astral eyes of the flesh human though that form does not reflect light. A living Vampire retains a physical body. Those Who Have Risen have attained control of astral projection. The Undead Gods have abandoned the absolute need for physical bodies altogether. The Dream Is Of The Mind. The astral body is a shapeshifter and thus the Vampire may assume any form. For rapid movement by air is the shape of bat or bird. For rapid movement by earth is the shape of wolf or cat. For invisibility is the form of fog or dust. The Mind Is In The Dream. The Vampire best enjoys the form of the human to merge and blend with the human herd for the Hunt. Some Vampires becoming arrogant and unheeding of the reactions of mortals will openly display their powers of flight, speed, strength, invulnerability. Such displays harm the Hunt and alert the prey. The Dreamer Chooses The Dream. To become Vampire requires actions most mortals will not take. To become Vampire it never

a completed work for these actions must continue being taken or the second death will destroy the Vampire. To remain alive in flesh the mortal must eat, drink and protect the flesh body from the extremes of the elements. These actions require effort and the mortal must have a purpose for remaining alive to continue taking these necessary actions. The Dreamer Loves The Dream. The Vampire extends life by similar action. The Vampire must love his own life enough so that there will remain always before him a reason to continue taking the necessary actions to sustain astral vitality. The Dreamer Feeds The Dream. The Dream Sharing offers seductive death to the Vampire, for like an exquisite drug it offers the fulfilment of every wish while enervating the astral unto death. It is here that the mortal finds his fantasy afterlife until his second death chokes out this delusion. The Dreamer Eats The Sleeper. The Vampire understands the requisite taking of lifeforce from mortals to sustain astral life. The Vampire will endure as long as he takes mortal Blood (lifeforce) and does not himself fall prey to the pleasures of the Dream Sharing. The Full Dream Has Power. The powers of the astral body are responsible for most of what mortals call magic. The living Vampire will commonly utilise magical ritual to strengthen the astral body as well as to firm his commitment to immortality and the Vampire Family. The Powers Of The Dream Are Five. To see with astral eyes is clairvoyance. To feel with astral touch is psychometry. To hear with astral ears is clairaudience. To move the physical with the astral is psychokinesis. To speak with the astral voice is telepathy. The Dreamer Is Known By The Mind. The Vampire is a mental illusion to the senses of the mortal. There is no gross physical shape to see or touch. There is only the projection of the dream body of the Vampire into the mind of the mortal prey. The Dreamer Is Not The Flesh. The Vampire may move the physical, yet what appears to be his hand raising a glass is the psychokinetic moving of the glass apparently grasped by the intangible astral hand. the Vampire also feels he is raising the glass but if he should fail to feed upon the lifeforce and lose power, his hand would fail to move or even feel the physical glass. The Dreamer Rules The Flesh. The strength of the Vampire to move physical objects comes from the reservoir of energy he has taken from the living. Thus he is not limited by the mechanics of muscle and leverage but can directly surpass mortal limitations. The Flesh Obeys The Will. The Vampire may also move physical objects without apparently touching them with even his astral body by extending a filament of his being to the object he desires to affect. As with the astral cord of the living Vampire, this filament can be so fine as to be invisible to the perceptions of the mortal. From the perspective of the Vampire, his intention would be to wish a door closed and with his Will extended, the door closes. If he looks carefully he may perceive the filament from his body which has stretched out to perform the deed. The Sleeper Sees The Dream. The illusion of physical form projected to the mind of the mortal will sometimes fail to include important elements which are always present in physical reality. The mortal's mind will sometimes fail to include some common otherwise seldom noticed consequence of physical presence. The mortal may notice no image of the Vampire in the mirror or shadow cast from light. The look of surprise or bewilderment should alert the Vampire and Will that mortal to see the mirror image or shadow. Thus the mortal will relax as the full illusion is restored. The Dreamer Sleeps In The Dream.

When the astral Vampire sleeps, his astral body remains in the same physical location. Should a mortal come upon his form there, the failed illusion of no shadow, no mirror reflection, no recording of an image through a camera, no sound recording of breathing sounds from a tape recorder - these imperfections will alert the mortal to the reality of the Vampire's astral condition. The Dreamer Does Not Die Asleep. The mortal does not have recourse to destroying the Vampire according to the superstitions of tradition. A physical stake of wood through the astral heart of the Vampire causes no harm. Neither will garlic nor human religious symbols such as crucifix or holy wafer produce any response in the Vampire unless the Vampire should believe such practices potent. In such case, any pain or disfigurement of the astral body is produced by the Vampire's mind alone. Unless the Vampire believes he is truly dying and enters full into the Dream Sharing (which is certain to eventually lead to astral death), the Vampire is unharmed by such ventures. The Dreamer Feeds In Sleep. If the mortal does not waken the sleep astral Vampire, he will encounter no body he can touch, but only an intangible holograph image. His mortal hands will pass through the Vampire's form since it is not truly physical. However, the more experienced Vampire will automatically draw lifeforce from the mortal even in deep sleep. Thus the mortal will usually faint from the sudden drain. The Dreamer Does Not Die Awake. Thus the sleeping Vampire, if freed from the superstitions of human culture, remains impervious to the casual mortal "Vampire killer." The Vampire, however, can pose a serious threat to another Vampire by taking his accumulated store of life energy. The Dreamers Eat The Sleepers. Vampires seldom prey upon each other in that the effort required to do so far exceeds the ease with which the same energies can be drawn from mortals. Further, the sense of belonging which extends between Vampire elevates their usual interaction far above such petty squabbles as those which lead mortals to fight wars and carry out vendettas. The Dreamers Are Awake. Vampires soon learn a love for life and respect for those of their own kind. The accumulated wisdom of centuries that an ancient Vampire may share makes his continuation an authentic value to other Vampires as compared with a relatively ignorant mortal whose small mind is filled with useless trivia and superstitious nonsense. If life is to carry meaning, and thereby ensure the life-choosing actions of the Vampire, then the comradeship of those Few Who have taken the step beyond mortality is a treasure beyond price.

- The Vampire Bible




The Coming Apocalypse

17:35 Jul 14 2010
Times Read: 517

For each mortal life there is a physical death and for each great Cycle of Life on this world there is an ending. For thousands of years the Undead Gods have carefully worked a scheme to create a new level of existence for Themselves and those who Truly serve Them. Civilisation is the product of these most Ancient Ones and is also an experiment. Prior to the civilising of humankind, the Vampire population was checked by the limited human population. Humans who were simple hunters and gatherers were few in number and subject to the dangers of a natural world filled with deadly intent. Thus the Vampire was also endangered. However, the Ancient Vampires rose up from the brutality of Their origins by the sheer force of Their immortality. As the decades grew into centuries, the most Elder Ones grew wiser as well as stronger. Apart from Their Own Vampiric Mastery (as related in the Shurpu Kishpu and retained as a sacred oral tradition to this day) They also discovered the secrets of fire, simple tools, agriculture, animal husbandry, metal smithing and weaponry. Therefore, the Ancient Ones decided to improve the lot of the human in the same way that the human improved the lot of cattle and sheep. Civilising mankind was, for the Vampire, the domestication of the human for food. Just as human cattle ranchers breed their herds to improve the stock, so too did the Undead Ancient Gods genetically manipulate early man and closely governed his breeding though laws and taboos. The civilising of humankind also included breaking the human spirit to maintain control. The Ancient Ones created the early religions of mankind and acted as their Gods. With the single exception of Hekal Tiamat, The Temple of the Dragon which is the Inner Temple of the Priesthood of UR, all religions of humankind have been designed or manipulated to reinforce human slave mentality. They are taught to obey and not question the Gods. They are taught to sacrifice their labours and their lives to the Gods. They are taught that the Gods are perfectly superior to humans and that they must always submit in action, thought and feeling to the desires of the Gods, whatever those desires might be. Thus the creation of religion for humanity served the Vampire family quite well. In the earliest times, humans would directly and physically serve the Vampire will all the joy of any true worshipper of a God. Fear of punishment or death was seldom required as the human would willingly seek to obey the Vampire Gods not out of duty but out of ecstatic pleasure. For the humans openly knew in those times that there was always the possibility of rising up with the Gods and becoming Vampire themselves. This direct contact on a daily basis with the Undead continued for many thousands of years before the time of the Renegades destroyed this ancient but Golden Age of Rule. The Renegades, Some of Whom remain to this day, were generally younger Undead Who had not long before joined the ranks of Those Who Have Risen. Identified strongly with Their human origins, these younger Gods rebelled against the realities of human mortals serving the Undead. They felt too much compassion for those who must serve as food for the Gods. They had not taken fully the essence of true predation but remained, on some unconscious levels, controlled by Their previous religious programming. In short, They had not yet outgrown the slave mentality of the humans from which They came. Thus came the first Great Wars. Here the Sons of the Gods gathered humans to attack those Undead yet with physical bodies and to ravage the ancient temples and shrines where sacrifice had been the Law for hundreds of centuries. Outposts beyond the Great Dark were cut off, the Gates of Power destroyed by ignorant human barbarians. Human blood flowed in rivers and isolated communities of humans, devoid of their Undead leadership, waited in numb confusion for direction. It was during these early destructions that the first Harvests came to pass. The religions of the humans caused then to increasingly seek and sing of the return of the Gods and to release waves of lifeforce in the emotion of desire. Multitudes would gather on hilltops at the sighting of an aerial battle and become overwhelmed with longing and desire for the great Gods to descend and rule them again. The Vampire Gods, feeling this intense flow of energy, would pause from the conflict and often descend, wrapped in shimmering incandescence, to drink deeply of the flood of human lifeforce. Commonly the humans would be drained past their survival needs and drop to the earth as desiccated husks. Thousands would give up their lives in moments and the Undead experienced more that nurturance but were uplifted, evolved, transformed. The evolutionary effects of this orgy of feeding, which came to be known as the Harvest, brought to the Undead the powers of magic, and broke their last bonds to gross material limitations. The Inner Mystery of the Transcendance of the Dream became a reality and the great Vampire family discovered the existence of the Dream Sharing of the astral universes.

Thus a new purpose was placed to the civilising of humanity. Before, the intention was to ensure the survival of the Vampire food stock through the domestication of the human. Now the Great Purpose of Dream Transendance created the goal of civilising humans to cause an exponential increase of the food supply. Thus the Undead Gods struggled to draw up the human population from thousands to millions to billions. Then as the population would increase, Harvests would come. Now under conscious intention, the small Harvests would attract religious enthusiasm with hundreds and thousands to witness the coming of the Gods. These small Harvests would offer controlled release of highly concentrated lifeforce for the Undead to channel for greater magical purposes, such as opening a new Gate of Power to another world. Yet, the small Harvests were engineered to cause a subsequent burst of breeding activity by the humans so that the population of the world would grow to the limits of human technology to support it. Finally, in just the last few centuries, the Vampire-inspired industrial revolution opened the door to the tremendous expansion of the human herd so that today billions of humans eat and live on this single planet. And so we are now approaching the Final Harvest. Like the Great Harvests of the ancient Great Wars, the human stock shall be drained in a carnage of energy release unlike anything seen before. The overabundance of humans has reached its peak and the Ancient Ones are preparing for a massive culling. The signs of approaching apocalypse have been outlined long before and are upon us. And what shall the New World hold for those of us who have embraced the Path of Night and cast our lot with the Undead Rulers? We who are members of the Temple shall see a transformation of the consciousness of the Vampire so that the mastery of magic will be complete and enlightenment in the Dream a common birthright. The human shall, from his undeveloped stage, continue to serve as slave and food, but the Great Gates of Power shall be flung open to the farthest reaches of all possible universes and the Vampire shall be no longer restricted to the limitations We have tolerated through the millennia. The Final Harvest is close upon us. The cities shall be swept up with the agony of billions who, in dying, will pass forth their life energies to a greater cause. The Great Undead Gods shall return to Their visible Thrones of Power in the world of men, and men shall again openly know their Rulers and their place of servitude in the order of things. Man shall be content to serve and the Vampire shall, without restriction of matter, rule both the material and astral. Therefore it is well for those of us who wear the Winged Skull of UR to align our thinking with the coming Apocalypse. We need to embrace the predator's attitude of power and increasingly cut off any sympathy for the soon-to-be-dead billions who are and shall remain mortal. We must, each one of us, serve that we may rise to be served. To drink that we may be filled. To share our lifeforce that we may be found and remain worthy of Those Who are the only True Gods of this world. The time grows short! Work while there is yet time! This is the ultimate purpose of our Temple! Stand tall and seize your future. Let the true slaves of this earth serve of die. Europe and Asia are in turmoil. What follows is the breaking of the Seventh Seal. Hail Tiamat!

- The Vampire Bible



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