Just get started. No, seriously. There’s no time like the present and the more you put it off, the harder it will be to get motivated. Include History: the history of you, your coven (if you’re in one), how you got into your current path, etc. When something works, document it. - Include the intention of the spell, materials needed/used, instructions/words used with the spell, and the results. Also document when something DOESN’T work - it can be important to figure out where you went wrong. Start writing down the purpose of your spells. Make detailed notes on what you use. including substituted materials, if any, and why. Besides words or spoken things, note any gestures or movements as well. Also include the phase of the moon, if you’d like, or sun, time of day, and any spirits or deities present.
- Different colors can be worn and coordinated with your intent/affirmation or intended spell work for that day or moment.
- Ribbons can be braided into your hair along with knot magic.
- Bows can be made out of various patterns of fabric
- or have sigils sewn on them.
- Can be incorporated as part of ritual cleansing/routine.
- You can attach small items to them, such as a bell, small crystal or pendant, etc.
Ritual Extras:
Supplementary materials in a book of shadows that has meaning for you and can be used at a moment’s notice in various rituals.
Calls and Charges:
A call is an invitation to an deity (or spirit) to attend a ritual, and it’s a part of some witch rites. Charges are good to use in place of a call, if the mood strikes. (The word charge is actually an old masonic term and refers to a set of instructions.)
Others things you can note in your Grimoire:
Witch Words/Terms (List and/or meanings):
Witch word examples:
Athame ( a knife used for rituals or spells)
Mabon (Autumn Equinox / Sabbat , as of the 1970′s)
Cowan (from free masonry) - ( means a non - witch)
Many witches connect with particular deities and god - forms and will often dedicate a part of their “book of shadows” or grimoires to these goddesses or gods.
You might include information on your relationship with a particular deity , such as when they first approached you (or vice versa). and what that means to you.
The history of you, your practice, your coven, etc.
Familiars and Pets:
Pets, and spiritual familiars as well.
Record what they’ve brought to your life
When they entered/exited
and what they’ve taught to you
spells / spell work