I found this awesome pic from a women in canada. Its truely amazing. Take a look.
Was having the worst day, so i decided to hang with my mate. We where walking through the mall when i saw a little boy walking through the crowd crying. i went over and held his hand asking him if he was okie.
He held on to my hand and kept crying. I took him slowly to the security office in the mall. They tryed to take his hand and he screamed and went behind me still holding my hand. So i crouched down on my knees holding his little hand and talking o him while he cryed for his mum. He wraped his little arms around my neck and i picked him up and started walking with security looking for his mum.
She came walking up to us she snatched him out of my arms and yelled at him for walking away. I wanted to punch her in the face and take him back.
His mother is dispicable she should have hugged him. It was her fault he got lost. Poor tyke.
I know bitch just cared that she looked like a bad parent.