Its funny how ones mood can change. Im useing a library pc. U basicly sign ur name in and it goes into a line and u wait till ur name gets to the top and turns orange. Well coz some stupid ppl walked away they missed their turn and threw a huge fit abt it.
Fuck sakes ppl theres a bloody sign that says stay close and watch for ur computer. Now because of them complaining my name got pushed down everytime it was just abt to go orange. And i had to wait almost 2 friggin hours.
And thats not even the fucked up part. I get a certain amount of time a day to talk to my guy and because of them i missed him and library pc's are bitchs so fb doesnt work which is my ONLY way of letting him knw im back on.
Im not really violent. but fuck i am so pissed off.
I watched a programe called 60mins last night and it was talking abt Jane Goodall. She said at first she thought chimps where like us only nicer and then she saw a chimp beat the crap out of another chimp and leave it to die of its wounds. Thats when she realised that they where just like us humans.
It even showed it too. Seeing that it actually looked like something a human would do. I am shocked at the level of violence that us humans can commit.
In a way humans are something if not then close to animals. Sometimes humans act like beasts. Which sort of leads you to believe that maybe we humans stil carry our animal halfs buried deep in our brain. From when we had to act like animals in the beginings of our race to survive.
Im constantly surprised sometimes. Family members tell me they want to know things and when i tell them they get really upset and with draw. I dont get that, when u say u want to hear something and when ur told it why do they take it out on the person who told them when they themselves SAID i want to know. My mum used to like this guy i didn't like him. She always asked me to look out for him and tell her everything i saw. But then when i told her she would get upset and snap at me like it was my fault. Jesus Christ whts a person to do. Cant exactly say same to u too.
This song is cool :)
i wanted you to know
that i love the way you laugh
i wanna hold you high
steal your pain
I keep your photograph
and i know it serves me well
i wanna hold you high
and steal your pain
Chorus 1:
cuz i'm broken
when i'm lonesome
and i don't feel right,
when you're gone away
you've gone away
you don't feel me
the worst is over now,
and we can breathe again
i want to hold you high
and steal your pain
There's so much left to learn
and no one left to fight
i want to hold you high
and steal your pain
Chorus 2:
cuz i'm broken
when i'm open
and i don't feel like
i'm strong enough
Cuz i'm broken
when i'm lonesome
and i don't feel right
when you're gone away
(chorus 2 x2)
(chorus 1)
My drawings are progressing as usual. Still finding inspiration and translating that to paper. I have hit a mental wall so might be a bit slow working round it.
I've finally found what i work best at when it comes to art. The circle is my greatest tool. It seems i can only draw really well inside the confines of a circle. Outside of that its confusing and hard to work out proper proportions.
Poems used to be my strong point but lately its strange no words form in my mind and if they do they leave soon after.
I think my brains gone to
Im sure soon i'll get back on the horse and try again:)
Lately as in the last few days i've felt like creating things from nothing. drawing, painting, oragami, throwing paint, making clay sculptures.
Hell even trash art. Just something that i can make and will take times. something that i dont have to be extemely careful with. Its like a fire that builds. I need to create. Theres so many ideas but only two
Hands can be such clumsy things sometimes they dont go where ur brain tells them. They knock over things make mistakes on ur canvas and fumble around. Mine tend to smudge my work. i can ever only draw something once and only once. even if i try to draw something again it will have something that the other didn't.
I'll get these hands under control so they flow over the page and dont stumble or trip.:)