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I was extremely lucky today to discover a fantastic new band called "Alien Weaponry" from New Zealand. On first listen, my impression was something like Silverchair meets early Metallica...but they are so much more than that. I've quickly developed a real appreciation for these guys - they have a very primal raw sound with some sinister grooves and also have ties to the Māori (some of their songs are even in the Māori language, which is really unique). Below are a couple of their very striking videos. Thankfully, the full versions are posted on YouTube because according to Mark Fuckerberg and company: "This video has been deemed unsuitable for Facebook". Cheers!
20:49 Jun 01 2018
22:18 Jun 01 2018
Amazing.... love it!
Maybe our next concert on the other side of the world! ;)
05:48 Jun 02 2018
If this does not get your blood pumping you have no appreciation for METAL!!!! Turn it Up :-)