im in vienna now. still, id rather be in budapest. had a fuckin great time there. im off to london tomoz.
i'm in brasov, in the mountains in transylvania. i caught the overnight train from budapest. i went up to the mountains today and have seen a few churches and towers and the remnents of the city wall around the place when the saxons where here. i think it was called kondstandt. or something like that. look it up if you can be bothered. i can't at the moment because i'm going drinking.
ive been travelling for 2 months now. ive been to japan, china, mongolia, russia, finland, germany, czech republic, slovakia and hungary. tomorrow i leave for transylvania in romania. im sure ill see some vampires there, it is after all the home of dracula. lol. ill put on some pics when i get back. im coming back here in 5 days then to austria or maybe prague again. i met anice girl there who said i should come back and see her. then maybe munich. im in london on the 28th then kuala lumper and then finally home. big trip and a fuck load of alcohol.
20:36 Aug 27 2009
Hell - have fun! Vienna is well known for its pastries - chow down!