The guys I admire... Hm. There are three actually. Surely this may seem strange but in truth.. I've grown attached to them.
The first. Nice, sweet, and a walking ball of charisma. XD He is a wonderful friend. He makes me laugh and knows how to make me feel better.
The second is hmm. What can I say about him besides hes sweet, handsome, caring, daring, delightfully funny and hes a lovely person. I could see myself falling for him, but many girls are after him already and I am not ready to be a number on his long list. XD I prefer to be his friend. I care about him alot but I cannot compete with the world of girls who have become his fanclub. XD Its crazeh.
And the last.. Is remarkably smart in wits and charm. He makes me laugh and makes me cry. His voice.. soft, whispery and low drives me insane. The affection he gives me day after day spoils me to the core and.. I want more. I will admit my attention is turning to him more each and every day. His kisses are as sweet as the summers breeze and his touches.. omfg. XD ~head/desk~ This last one.. oh boy... ~shakes fist to the air mumbling~ You drive me insane and how I loath being thus.. But I love it so. XD You are my daily drug.. I'm addicted to you now.