Thinking of maybe getting in to the mentors section. I know that I have only been here for a little over a year but I think that I can do this. Deciding on a name is the fun part of this to me and coming up with a graphic for the mentors page.
I am looking forward to this and am seeing it as a way to grow my self.
Since I love working with and making candles I thought that I would post this here.
Candle Magick Superstitions & Beliefs
I firmly believe that many magickal practices hid themselves under the safe, and more socially acceptable, veneer of folklore and superstition in many settings. This is especially true during the years when magick and witchcraft were taboos and people feared for their lives. After all, most people don't blink at a superstitious act that's been repeated for generations. ..and they hardly think it magickal. Upon further investigation, however, the imprint of magick abounds in many of these beliefs. Here are just a few of the superstitions surrounding candles:
Luck & Blessings:
*Always light a candle with your right hand for good fortune. If the candle should go immediately out, however, bad luck will follow. This belief could easily be adapted to a candle spell for luck.
*Never singe the base of a candle to make it fit firmly. This brings misfortune. So, for ritual and spellcraft it might be a better idea to melt wax into the container and then place the candle within so it's secure.
*Allow Yule candles to burn out naturally for blessings and luck. Add this idea to your holiday celebrations.
*Only a woman named Mary should snuff the candles on Christmas Day so the blessing isn't lost. This one isn't overly practical, but interesting.
*Give the gift of a bayberry candle on New Year's Eve to friends to whom you wish luck, prosperity, and health. Note that this should be burned completely on New Year's Eve for the greatest effect. This belief is perfect for magick just as it is.
*If you wish to grow rich, never light a candle from a burning fire. Use this as a guideline when working prosperity and money magick.
*If it's storming outside, light a blessed candle for safety. Most magickal practitioners would likely use a white candle for this purpose, as white is the color of protection.
*Lighting a candle at a child's birth, after a death, and on one 's birthday affords extra protection from evil. This is a great idea all the way around. At a birth ceremony, the light honors the spirit of the child coming into this world. At death, it shows the spirit the way out into the next incarnation. And on your birthday, a candle reminds you of your own light, which should always be honored.
Signs & Omens:
*A candle that goes out during a ritual indicates the presence of a restless ghost. Actually, I've often found this to be very true. If a spirit shows up at a ritual it will not, however, be able to enter the sacred circle without permission. Use your own discretion here, being aware that not all spirits are nice, nor do all of them have good intentions.
*In ancient Greece if a girl could blow on a candle flame and then re-spark it, she was marked a s vestal virgin and given the task of tending Vesta's sacred fires. Vesta is a fantastic goddess for a candle crafter to call upon for blessings in his or her art.
*Candles that burn blue or have wax that forms a winding sheet around the base reveal the presence of spirits. Alternatively some people consider this a death omen. In magick, watching the wax or flame of a candle is a common form of divination, and there are tons of meanings associated with a flame's movements.
*If a candle will not light, a storm is coming. This is actually true because of the dampness in the air.
*A candle sparking bright portends a letter for the person sitting across from it.
*If a person can revive a sputtering candle it indicates he or she is virtuous and pure of heart.
*Seeing a ring in the candle flame indicated an engagement or marriage.
*A lump of soot on the wick of a candle reveals that a stranger will soon visit.
*The ritual of blowing out birthday candles may have originated with rites for Artemis. The key is blowing out all the candles at once. The smoke that follows carries your wishes to the heavens. This is a great bit of wish craft that works wo nderfully just as it is. Remember, however, that silence is power in this magick. Telling the wish dissipates the energy behind it.
From "Exploring Candle Magick" by Patricia Telesco
*happy dancing in the air*
As of yesterday (7/2/09), I am now officially a member of the House Umbrae Octo. Thanks NG for helping me with the trade and thank you to all of the members for having me in the house. big thanks all.
forgive me everyone but I just couldn't help but to show this in my journal. :)
Ponder this.......
What would life be without the spice of things.....
or the way you get hot over the mental thoughts and images that wander around in your mind......
Ponder which way is up and which way is down....
The past can be a wonderful teacher sometimes. But other times it is not. Now my mind wonders along the roads of worry and happiness. Two words that are uncommon in the same sentence. Wonder if I need to find that little place again and just reflect the inner ways.
Just thinking once again........