Sphere's Journal

Sphere's Journal


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3 entries this month

22:41 Mar 29 2018
Times Read: 89

Can't believe that me drug test and background check came in already. Yeah. Will be starting next week, some time.

Still in need of another part-time. Today, was too stormin to go. and tomorrow is Friday, usually city is off limits for interview.

Meanwhile, haven't heard back from current job. Funny! I saw a guy watching me unconsciously. And then there was some brainwashing attack on the group. One guy with dark hair, was saying that he didn't remember something. Odd. The woman with long redhair, slid off the benches. She looked more like a former employer, not me.

Forgot other vision, when the job I loved working at called back, after 2 days! Yeah!

The Red Book, States that God is everything that you are not.
And that the spirit is chaos. Hmmm interesting
At least his desert started to have growth.

I tried unlocking one of his pictures. The black tree that has it's branches surrounding the orb in the center.




23:16 Mar 28 2018
Times Read: 107

In conjunction with my spell, to revive the dead. Seemed to work, felt the Lord Samhain's Presence. And I did hear a nasty remark from the one dead that I was bringing back. Funny, he never made a remark like that before, with me, anyway. Only the others that he played with. The breeze since, has been so beautiful!

Meanwhile, at my job, the wigs are out to get me! Got hit three times with a chair, a mark is still on my shoe heel. Just told her I was going to revoke her license. Stand in front of me. Her and her friend seems retarded, so I cooled off.

Went for another drug test, and background check. I am the only person, who is working and am paying out not getting paid. I dug up a government number, for the end of this pitiful situation. I had told the person, of the place I love, no, because I had done so much for the job that I was on. But, next morning, after sleeping on it, I changed my mind. She called the next day! So, truthfully, I am very happy, just not paid. LOL. Love her place, worked there before. Love the look. And love what they do. But, it is only part time. So, I am trying hard to find a back to back. Then everything will be perfect! Purrrrrrrfect!

Meanwhile. The present job: pushed pay off, said I would have to color my hair red, and after telling me set hours, have now said that it will be up to a bid. Mon Dieu. In other words, I do not have a current job. They talked me into dropping a temp job that I would have been paid last week and this week on. What a sucker Move.

Oh well, Reading Red Book. Interesting. It looks like a rein formation of the Holy Bible. Saw some views unconsciously. What a phenomenon. Going to read on. Maybe might get a great spell out of it.

The author brings me back to when I was 23. But, I must admit, he has a lot of religion. Guess that is what the unconscious, loves to play on.



01:14 Mar 29 2018

I dont see bringing the dead back as possible unless you meaning bringing a spirit back thats more possible

22:43 Mar 29 2018

Is the only way I could think of. His body was no good, anyway. And I did hear his voice in jest. But, I told Samhain to let him talk to all those that he wishes to talk to. Obviously, hasn't talked much with me. Could only lift the veil.

07:18 Mar 31 2018

Bringing back of a spirit or summoning a spirit is very simple. Bringing the dead back or giving life to a deceased body is very unnaturally hard. It would possibly be needing to give up a life or a piece of life in order to bring the deceased body back


20:13 Mar 23 2018
Times Read: 123

Hmmmmm Sweet

Samhain was known in Ireland as the "Lord of Darkness". The Druid religion was practiced by ancient Celtic tribes that populated Ireland and parts of Europe. This religion worshipped Samhain, the Lord of Darkness. Some writings also speak of Samhain as the "Lord of the Dead".

Samhain's influence grows with the increase in the hours of darkness. He can only roam the earth during hours of darkness.

The Druids believed that on a night, all of the people who died in the past year would rise up and search for the passageway to the netherworld. On this night the passageway or "veil" between both worlds was it's thinnest. Lord Samhain would roam the earth in search of these souls to capture them and take them to his world of darkness. To this day, some people put lights in their windows to help the dead find their way, and keep Lord Samhain away from taking them.

The Druid religion, dating back to about 200 BC, had priests and priestesses. These magicians (soothsayers or wizards) filled the most important roles in Celtic culture. At the time the Celtic tribes were close to nature. As a result, they worshipped many things in nature as their gods. No Druid god was more powerful ,nor more feared, than Lord Samhain.



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