Today has just been a wow very dragging day. Admitted into the hospital last night so the induction process could begin. They started last night with medicine/jel to ripen the cervix more. Then they woke me at 5am to start the Pitocin, which was supposed to start contractions & labor. Yeah, not so much. Still efaced around 75%, no dilation. They ended up having to stop the pitocin around 3pm because it was causing hypercontractions and the baby was not handling them very well. They started giving me some kinda pill now that is supposed to again ripen the cervix, in the morning they will start the pitocin again. In the case that things fail again tomorrow, I have to start considering a c section tomorrow afternoon. Not really what I was aiming for, but if baby gets stressed this way, then I don't see much other choice. I was aiming for no pain meds and so far I have stuck to that, but damn I'm starting to really wish for a cig & some major sedation. The contractions have been tolerable, the back pain is a bitch though. In the end, just trying to stay positive. I had to wait 24 hours before I was allowed a meal, now no food again. I'm hoping it doesn't last as many hours this Oh they just gave me sleeping pill I think I will go pass out now. If you need me, then please leave a message at the beep. I'll get back with ya at some point.